Session 155 - Spoils of War Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 155 - Spoils of War

General Summary

15th to 30th Azura (First Month of Autumn) 723TR

The story so far

The heroes were instrumental in bringing the Rethemi Civil War to a close, and now on the winning side, reap the benefits.

Meanwhile, Quazzy's long-time nemesis, the mysterious Raven Woman, has somehow created young copies of herself. When they mature, she claims their bodies, thereby becoming immortal. Quazzy is one such copy and has survived attempts to steal her body and many more mundane and magical assassination attacks. She has grown powerful, and soon she will have an opportunity to strike back.

The continuation of Session 153 - The Battle of Rylosin Forest

Location - City of Golotha in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 1 - King Kabe II's Coronation

Earl Vavryse, art by Artbreeder
Athena is invited by the Lord Regent of Rethem, Earl Vavryse Lynnaeus, to attend the coronation of his son Saval Lynnaeus who
King Savel Age 14.jpeg
King Kabe II, art by Artbreeder
takes the name of King Kabe II Araku. As he is still a minor, the Lord Regent will rule in his place until he comes of age.

Arriving in the city as a representative of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer, Athena notes a shift within the Kingdom's religious hierarchy.

The once-dominant Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, is in decline, and its associated Fighting Order, the Warriors of Mameka, are lacking in numbers and experienced warriors.

The Order of the Eight Demons has fled the Kingdom. Their temple has been reclaimed by the Order of the Pillar of Fire who have emerged from hiding. The previous King's enforcers, the Companions of Roving Doom, are once again receiving spiritual guidance from this newly reinstated Clerical Order. However, their loyalty to their King and Priests has yet to be demonstrated.

Later, Athena spends some time networking and building bridges with her former enemies while the Lord Regent asks Yureb to build a spy network.

Part 2 - Findings of the Fools

Carle Alfora, art by Paizo
Yureb receives a visitor, an old companion, the Bard Carle Alfaro, of the Order of Rydequelyn. Last year Yureb asked Carle, to track down Quazzy's nemesis, the murderous Raven Woman. His organization searched for young albino girls who resemble a young Quazzy, believed to be hiding somewhere in the Kingdom of Melderyn. This child would likely have a link to the Raven Woman and Quazzy. The Rydequelyn's have made such a discovery.

A young woman has been found, matching the description exactly. She is living in Vabar village on Glenoth Island. Nearby is the Visitant, a Barasi Point or Holy Grove. It is speculated that this location can be used to access the Raven Woman's hidden lair, believed in another world with links to the fey realms.

The Rydequelyn's have learned how dangerous and destructive this Raven Woman is and would prefer the heroes take action. Otherwise, they will have to call in the Order of the White Hand to deal with the problem.

Location - Earthmaster Site of Telumar near the Kingdom of Melderyn .

Part 3 - Magical Events

Lepridis, Art by Donatoarts
Quazzy, feeling particularly psychopathic, transports the heroes through a series of magical Holy Groves to the mysterious Earthmaster Site of Telumar. They briefly meet with Master Illusionist Viran Lepridis Ueld, who has been studying Telumar for the last six years. His research is nearly complete and he is making plans to return to the City of Cherafir.

Viran Lepridis tells Yureb that Glyfin, the apprentice of his old master Elzoldor the Prism, arrived through the Godstone a few days ago. He looked worst for wear and was looking for someone.

The heroes immediately travel through Telumar Godstone to the Chantry of the Guild of Arcane Lore in the City of Cherafir.

Location - City of Cherafir the Kingdom of Melderyn.

While the heroes wait for the next boat to Glenoth Island, Athena asks Quazzy and Yureb to do some research in the Guildhall Library for her. Athena's hated enemy Baron Rarval Hamlen has acquired a dangerous item, a sinister-looking black orb. The researchers learn that this orb is likely an Ara'Dunrangash, a powerful unholy artifact used by the priests of Morgath to store the insidious Shadow of Bukrai. The Baron has boasted that he will use this in some way to destroy Athena.

Location - Vabar Village on the Island of Glenoth in the Kingdom of Melderyn.

Part 4 - A Peaceful Village

The heroes discreetly arrive at Vabar village and spend a few days investigating. A young girl, around ten years old, has a startling similarity to Quazzy. She named Cygnet and is the daughter of an elderly lady, the cook in the local lord's household. She lives in the kitchen of his manor.

The unstable Quazzy has to be talked out of murdering the child. So instead, the heroes plan to kidnap the girl and fake her death in a spectacular and bloody fashion. This will antagonize the Raven Woman and may well prompt her to reveal herself or act irrationally.

Quazzy searches the nearby cemetery for a young female body of about the same age as the girl to act as a substitute. Unfortunately, none are suitable. However, speaking with the local dead, she learns that one spirit has much to say. He was the manor's Stablemaster and murdered. Shortly after his death, his replacement (the murderer) arrived with the manor's new cook and the girl.

Investigating the new Stablemaster and Yureb spots that he is wearing a necklace adorned with a Raven and Skull. Cultists of the Raven Woman commonly have these, and use them as a magical focus. The next night Yureb stealthy sneaks into the lightly guarded manor house and kidnaps the girl. The party then makes their way to the nearby holy grove, the Visitant, leaving Quazzy's invisible familiar behind to spy.

The following day the old cook franticly looks for the child and tells the Stablemaster. He rushes to his belonging, opens a secret compartment in his trunk, and brings out a Raven statuette carved out of wood. He used this in some way to communicate with the Raven Woman. From the response, it is clear she is not happy, and he panics, Charms two of the manor's guards, and makes his way to the Visitant. He is expecting a visitor.

Part 5 - The Visitant

The Visitant is an earthen mound in the rough shape of a flying bird with wings outstretched, and along its spine are series of monoliths. The heroes have time to hide in the trees and ambush Stablemaster and the guards. He is savagely cut down, and the guards are knocked out. Their bodies are hidden, and not long after, a faint mist envelopes the mounds. A strange man fades into existence, walking between the monoliths.

Satyr, art by Leo-Lee
He is a fey creature similar to Satyr the heroes killed months ago at the Trident Inn. That Satyr was working with bounty hunters looking for and killing young women who resemble Quazzy. The creature waits for the Stablemaster and becomes frustrated when he doesn't arrive. He returns to whichever realm he came from.

Raven Woman art by Artbreeder
Not long after, the Raven Woman sends Quazzy a panic-stricken Psychic Message demanding to be told what she has done. Quazzy replies with a fabrication implying that the girl is dead, further enraging her. Raven Woman and Quazzy have always had a telepathic link, and Quazzy uses this opportunity to enter a psychic duel. Quazzy easily wins and grabs a fleeting memory from the Raven Woman as well as a little bit of her psyche and magic from this engagement (one Level 7 spell).

Fleeting Memory

Sir Jirex Mallaber, art by Artbreeder
Quazzy sees the Raven Woman and Sir Jirex Mallaber, the Golden Skull Masked Man, her former consort arguing. He tells the Raven Woman that she made a mistake and should have made peace with Quazzy. Their argument deteriorates into a shouting match, and Sir Jirex snidely comments that the younger Quazzy is far better looking. The Raven Woman is incandescent with rage.

The heroes wait for a time at the Visitant, but nothing else emerges. Noting the magical gateway is still open, Quazzy turns the heroes Invisible, and they enter.

Part 6 - A Dark and Dangerous Place

The Athena and Quazzy emerge invisible first in a bleak forest, likely on another world; the rest of the party will arrive a minute later. The trees around the forest flare with eerie yellow, red, and green lights. The nearby tree branches whip out, striking Quazzy breaking her concertation, suddenly the heroes are visible.

A huge twisted collection of vines, thorns, and skewered human skeletons bursts out of the ground. The Harbinger of Wrath is a massive construct that attacks and impales Athena on its thorns. She is badly hurt but escapes. More of the nearby trees flare with bright lights, and Ghosts emerge attempting to possess and wither the hero's life forces. The harbinger then blasts metal-like thorns at Quazzy and Athena, causing severe injury. Then Lucia and Yureb appear, somewhat late, to offer welcome assistance. The mass of thorns is eventually hacked to pieces, and the Ghosts are destroyed.

Again the Raven Woman telepathically contacts Quazzy and enters into another psychic duel. This time she is better mentally prepared and wins, stealing a little of Quazzy's psyche (and one level 1 spell).

The characters rest up for a moment and look to the nearby hills. They see a large tower that Quazzy seems vaguely familiar. She can feel her nemesis is brooding there.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Earl Vavryse Lynnaeus - The Lord Regent of Rethem.

Lepridis Ueld, Master Illusionist - Updated.

Carle Alfaro, Rydequelyn Priest.

Shenava (Mistress) Alyse Lempo - Guildhall Librarian.

The Raven Woman.

Challenges Overcome

Yureb kidnapped a 10 year old girl.

Killed a Raven Cultist.

Quazzy angered the Raven Woman and stole a spell.

The Party traveled to another world.

Defeated 1 Harbringer of Wrathand 3 Ghosts.

Created Content


Earl Vavryse Lynnaeus - The Lord Regent of Rethem.

King Kabe II Araku - The young King of Rethem.

Related Reports

City of Golotha - Updated.

Order of Rydequelyn.

Barasi Points or Holy Groves - Updated.

Earthmaster Sites.

Primary Chantry of the Guild of Arcane Lore.

Companions of Roving Doom - Updated.

Order of the Pillar of Fire - Updated.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 20 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 20 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 15 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
27 Jun 2021

NPC Companion

Dame Lucia Kalormar, Athena's Aid

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder


Ara'Dunrangash, art by Attacus

The Organisations

Clan Araku

The House of the Royal Family.

Clan Araku, by Columbia Games

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

Crimson Dancer CoA

by Columbia Games

Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel

by Columbia Games

Order of the Warriors of Mameka

Warriors of Mameka.jpg

by Columbia Games

Order of the Pillar of Fire

by Columbia Games

Companions of Roving Doom

by Columbia Games

Order of Rydequelyn

Rydequelyn, art by Columbia Games

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