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Mon 11th Jul 2022 12:25

The bigger they are.

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

*You see a hastily scribbled journal note
I DID it! Can you believe it! No of course you can't your a book. That old spell I found in my fathers basement, it actually worked. I'll have to tell Ignatius all about this when he gets out of prison. Hold on. *The script trails off in an inky scribble*
We're deep inside a lighthouse and I am currently hiding next to a massive magical vine outcropping. These plant based... undead? keep attacking us and Antwan just took a hit right to the face. Which had to have hurt! So most curiously I was able to focus on a few of them and then reciting the words of that ancient text, gravity seemed to drastically increase. Almost all of these, plant creatures were pulled to the ground incredibly roughly. Wait.
*The page shows signs of a scorch mark*
I just had to send a firebolt off to hit one of these bastards in the face. Saving Avon, although he would never admit to it. This new gravitational magic seems to be incredibly powerful. I will have to continue my research into it. Now on wards to the top of the lighthouse!
*A piece of vine has been pressed into this page*