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Mon 4th Jul 2022 12:36

Seek out chasity

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

Looking back on the events of the last few days, its hard to make sense of it. As I sit here on a dock in the port of Nicodranus, I find myself struggling to remember clearly what has transpired.
Ignatius and I have been what I can only describe as bending the fabric of reality. One moment we we’re deep within a temple on some tropical island within the Menagerie Coast, and the next minute I am floating in the air within.. some fluffy clouds? That crazy old kook Ignatius, floating from cloud to cloud. Then, Poof! a bright flash of light and we found ourselves on a rowboat, in the middle of the ocean with what I believe was the island we previously were on in the distance behind us. Then it erupted, towering plumes of smoke and fire escaping from its peak. Ignatius created some type of propelling force through a use of a spell and spurred us onward as rocks and ash plummeted down around us. Within an hour of travel, we made it to a port, which I found out soon was Nicodranas. Although I had never been to this city, it will be one I never will forget. The towns folk here seem to enjoy painting their homes in bright colors, which along with the sand stoned color brick, really gives a warm feeling to this town. Far nicer on the eyes then home.
After some searching around the port arears there was no signs of the rest of our party and when I asked Ignatius about it, the old windbag started to talk about how his toe nail fungus would create an absolutely wonderful spread for toast. I could only assume that our party, had perished in the eruption, Vespera included.
We spent the next day and a half around the Ports of Nicodranas. Ignatius questioned me on a few occasions, I believe he was trying to ascertain what happened in the temple. These conversations always seem to circle back to the books i had read deep in the basement of my Father’s estate. I remember one of the books that piqued my interest, spoke of the ability to manipulate gravity. Among some of the wild musings of Ignatius, he did mention something about this type of spell being of particular interest to the Kryn Dynasty.
I had just about given up hope of ever seeing our traveling companions again. If fact I was standing by a wanted board on the edge of the quay, perusing through the Ads of parties looking for new companions when, low and behind the bedraggled figures of Avon, Antwan and Vespera made their way rowing into the harbor. I quickly tucked the paper tabs of the wanted ads deep into my pocket and made for the edge of the dock.
After a quick hello we focused on the pressing matters at hand, or in this case the rivet pressing into Antwans chest cavity. I attempted to do my best to seal up the wound in his chest wall. Which I will say seemed to work very well. I may just have to consider a career in medicine in the future.
I was quickly filled in on the fantastical story of a large serpent at the temple and the subsequent collapse of the island in volcanic activity. It seems that the rest of the party has remained behind on a captured sailing ship.
Over the next few hours, we had seen to Antwan being properly medicated, and then we attempted to gain an audience with some powerful wizard. I believe he had some connection with this mystical library who this group is a part of. I really must take a moment and say that I don’t think I really grasp the concepts of what this group stands for or what its purpose is, but at least this old bugger (Ignatius) has been able to give me some pointers on controlling my magic.
Sometime transpired (really who can count, one day someone should invent some type of device that keeps track of it) And we found out that Percival and Aeldred who had remained on the ship had now been arrested and detained by the local authority.
So now you’re up to date. Antwan and I are sitting on a porch outside the Withered Bird inn having a pint, trying to plan to gather some information on where they could have taken them. I think were about to pick up and head off to the Lavish Chateau to ask around. Our server here, a wonderful dwarf women ( I think? They had a beard) suggested we should go there and ask for a woman named Chasity who would be able to show us everything we wanted to find. Whatever that means.
Well until next time.