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Sun 30th Oct 2022 06:00

The Cloud

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

It's been hard to keep my mind focused these last few days. What ever is happening to me, these... transformations.. seem to be corrupting my soul, or perhaps my mind? On top of all that, the basic magics i have come to rely on have become unstable. Occasionally upon casting a spell, someone, something, or well all of us will blink from our realm and appear somewhere or sometime else. Currently I am sitting with Percival on a cloud bank in.. some place I should know but cant recall.
We were only a moment ago in a temple of some type deep under a swamp. Fellow competitors at our back and these fish creatures in front of us. I had raised my hand in an attempt to lash one of the creatures when... a pop.. and i am here.
I must endevor to stop this from happening. And i am getting oh so hungry. I can smell Percival, his scent is attacking my nostrils and I need to be focusing on escaping from this place. Not some motivation for a meal which would most likely end up with me as a shish kabob.
I must get back to my attempts to escape.