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Thu 22nd Dec 2022 11:04

Scrambled egg brain

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

I am struggling to put words to emotions over the last few days. I continue to battle with this beast inside me.. the lust for meat and flesh and the drive to try and keep some semblance of sanity.
Exploring this underground laboratory has taken a great tole on our party. We have lost Avon, a prominent member of our group died to a creature i have never encountered before. It had tentacles coming from his face and seemed to yearn with a consciousness that was unlike anything i ever encountered before. I reached out and tapped into his mind only to feel as if i was connecting with thousands of minds, all unique yet similar.. it was overpowering and the sense that in trying to collect this lens we were.. stopping or delaying some plot.
Vespera has also befell some thing horrible within this dungeon.. her arm has some how been replaced with a tentical.
Strangely we also encountered a forested area underground that had a talking.. raven type creature. whom appeared to be tending the animals of the forest. Yet upon retrieving the lens the whole forested area seemed to have disappeared.
I am still trying to get the last feelings of Avons death out of my head. It will continue to haunt me for some time.