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Tue 10th May 2022 03:59

Amos's backstory

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

Alto Tiefling
Physical appearance:
Amos, is a 5’8” male who weighs in at roughly 175 lbs. His skin tone is a muted red which at first glance gives away the fact that he is not human. Upon closer inspection you see that his eyes are as black as jet, with no discernable pupil. His hair was kept in an undercut fashion, shorter on the left and longer on the right. His face was typically very human looking with a slightly more angular and pronounced jaw line. Atop his head you would find two roughly filed stumps of horns, the surrounding skin full of scars and damage from attempts to remove what was left of them from his head. His fashion choices typically had him wearing heavier long sleeve tunics, and pants that might help to hide that he wasn’t human. Occasionally one might see the flick of a pointed tail surface from beneath his cloak, although he went to great lengths to keep this hidden.
A questionable begining
Growing up in the city of Zadash, within the Dwendalian Empire, was never an easy task for Amos. All his life he had been forced to live away from public eyes, residing within the estate he grew up in or out at his family’s country property when it was possible to sneak him away from the city.
To properly understand Amos, we need to look back at the series of events that brought him into this world. Growing up, one of the major players in his life was his Grandfather, Sir. Simon Daloes. Sir Daloes was a wealthy merchant lord who lived and conducted his business within the Silken Terrace district of Zadash. To the public eye he controlled a large trading empire which mainly handled the exchange of products from the Menagerie Coast and then filtered them up through Nicodranas to be distributed through the Marrow Valley. Sir Daloes was a proud man, proper and enjoyed his station within the tri spire of Zadash. He kept court with some of the most powerful families of Zadash, but non were closer then Lord Gideon Othalam.
Lord Guideon had approached Sir Daloes years ago with a business proposition. You see, Gideon Othalam had become interested in increasing his knowledge and understanding ancient magics and it just to happened that Simon Daloes had made a business around finding rare and exotics goods to trade and then facilitated their safe movement around the continent. It did not take long before the two secretly start investigating and acquiring a treasure trove of forbidden and illegal knowledges in the hopes of achieving a greater understanding of this world and the rolls they could play within it.
Through an unfortunate series of events, Sir Daloes came to make a trade deal with a rather questionable traveler who traveled the Licidian Ocean. What he thought would be a lucrative deal soon turned out to be far darker then he had anticipated. After an unsuccessful attempt to back paddle his way out of this questionable trade arrangement, Sir Daloes had his only daughter, Evelyn Daloes, stolen from him during a midnight raid on their country estate. The search continued for weeks but eventually all hope of her return seemed to dry up.
Nine months later however, a tired and much thinner Evelyn showed up on the front steps of the Daloes estate with a surprise clutched to her chest. The youth was named Amos Daloes after his great great grandfather, but it quickly became apparent that the child was anything but ordinary. His physical features stood out as not human and Sir Daloes quickly became aware at the unfortunate negative attention that this cast on his families good name and their formal business. Much to Evelyns disapproval, the decision was made for Amos to be raised and kept within confines of the Daloes manner. To add insult to injury, two years after his birth a younger brother was born, who was named Flume. The two brothers could not have had too more different lives. Flume was raised as the perfect gentleman, educated with the best teachers and afforded all the niceties of his station. He was expected to be able to represent the family in its business dealings and replace Sir Simon when that time came.
Amos on the other hand, continued to live within the shadows. He was kept away from the public eye, and educated in the darker sides of the family business. His grandfathers shame in his infernal appearance was never forgotten. Many times, through his youth Amos was subjected to trials and experimental procedures to attempt to hide his infernal. These acts left his body with physical scars and he suffered from deep mental scars as well.
An unlikely friend
Throughout Amos’s early childhood days were a mixture of education by his private tutors, and play by himself within the manors yard and many hallways and rooms. His own family had little time for him, between his grandfathers reluctance to accept him because of his heritage and questionable conception and his mothers duties within the city pulling her away from the house often, he never had much in the way of friends.
Sir Daloes, would from time to time invite Lord Gideon Othalam over to visit the estate. Lord Gideon would bring with him his Granddaughter Vespera, they would allow her to play with young Amos because of their unique upbringing. She was strange like him, almost as if she had a darkness about her and she seemed naturally talented with the arcane arts. But if Amos had learned anything from his time with his grandfather, he knew better then to ask why she was so different then their human families. He continued to play with her when they could and found comfort and companionship with her which for a time made the world seem less lonely.
As they grew up it seemed as if their studies with the magical arts seemed to pace each other, although her powers seem to come more naturally to her. Amos was forced to spend long hours under the watchful eye of his teachers pouring over tombs of ancient texts, so that his understanding might increase and match what came so naturally to her.
Their friendship continued until they both were in their mid teens. Until one day the Othalams stopped coming around for visits. Upon asking his mother what happened to Vespera, all that she would say is that they were forced to leave on business and that his grandfather stayed in touch with her grandfather occasionally.
A Tragic End
Around the time that Amos turned 21, his world came crashing down around him. As he matured, his independence blossomed and with that his want to explore life outside the estate. Using his arcane abilities, he would sneak out at night to explore more of Zadash, making sure to avoid the guards.
Upon returning to the estate one night he found the back door broken from his hinges. What followed next would haunt him for the rest of his days. Throughout the lower halls of the estate he came across body after body. All the servants appeared to have been put to the sword, and where any signs of conflict existed, the level of destruction was far greater. Upon climbing the stairs to the upper levels he came across his mothers corpse. Slayen in her bed and left in a puddle of her own lifes blood. With anger and fear coursing through him, Amos stormed to his grandfathers office. As he past through the threshold he found his grandfather, a sword buried up to its hilt in his chest, and the old man clinging to life. Once his grandfather saw him he could only manage to level his finger towards Amos and in a strained hiss, managed to say “Othalam” letting his voice trail off into his death.
Search as he might, he never found his brother within the confines of those halls, nor did he find whom every might have enacted such a bloody act. With the fear of having the guards blame him for this atrocity because of his heritage, Amos took what little gold he had managed to hide away and made haste for the only place he knew he might be safe, following the suggestion of his grandfather he saught out the Othalams estate.
Within the Othalams lands he came across a caretaker who had heard tails that the family had joined some type of a cult far to the north. With an approximate idea of the location of the Othalams now, Amos made out access the empire to try and find his own friend Vespera.