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Sun 22nd May 2022 05:00

On the road to Deastok

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

10th of Kythona, on the road.
It has been a few days since I have had a chance to write in here. Last night was another night of unrest. I woke in a sweat this morning. These damnable dreams have been haunting me since I left Zadash. It's been 5 days on the road and I can still see my family, the images of their bodies twisted and contorted, seared in to my mind. I feel as if i cannot escape that which haunts me. The memories of what has transpired, like A shadow that seems to be just out of the edge of my eyesight.. something in the dark that is there every time I close my eyes. I have attempted to stay off the road in my travels south to Trostenwald, which was the last place I had heard of Vespera and her family traveling too. And my brother.. I have not a clue where to search for him, perhaps after i find her.
12th of Kythona, Trostenwald
After spending two days searching Trostenwald I had a chance run in with a Troubadour at tavern who has heard some rumor of the Othalam Family. I pack my bags to make my way north for the town of Deastok. My hopes of finding Vespera are high, I shall endevor to continue to avoid the main roads. I cannot help but feel whomever killed my family might be still looking for me.