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Thu 19th Jan 2023 03:00

The Void

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

*This entry was hastily written down on a scrap of paper that had been soiled by blood.*
The Wedding was a Trap!
We are held up in some type of dungeon deep underground and have been under attack by guards and creatures at every turn. Worst Still. Aeldred is gone! I need to write this down so that my mind does not forget these details as it could prove to be important.
Somehow he had become the conduit for something.. otherworldly or evil? Perhaps this had to do with the creature that killed Avon. We watch him pick up the body of a guard recently slayen and then his maw seemed to unhinge, black testicles springing forth and enveloping the head of the guard. Asmodaus Red sprung to action and assumed it was something of evil intent and wrapped him self around Aeldred. Before I could even utter a word of caution, Red started to chant. Then it was as if the folds of reality itself just opened up and swallowed Aeldred. I am having trouble recalling how it exactly appeared but suffice to say. Space and time seemed to rip open and he was gone.
Now we are but three, in a place i am not sure we can make it out of alive.