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Wed 20th Jul 2022 11:02

Three Pheasants

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

My stomach just aches. I stole 3 pheasants from a hunter and devoured them all, but I'm still hungry.
It's so dark out. We are laying in a cave near the creator of what once was the library and i can feel the rain drops threatening to fall.
I just snapped at Antwan, I don't know whats going on. He shoved me off my bed and stole my bedroll. It took all my .... not to crash the cavern down on him.. why am I so angry? He yelled at me for stealing this bed roll! I don't know why I am having these dreams.
If i see that hunter again... He was up on the hill side.. He knows were here.
My stomach feels like its eating itself. I'm shivering and its not even that cold!
*The pages of the book seem to show signs of rain drops that had dried on the paper*