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Sat 11th Feb 2023 04:33

My last

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

*This paper was found half frozen in ice, in the high alpine outside of Uthodurn. It seems to be half burnt*
This parchment shall serve as my last Will and Testament. I Amos Daleos do so leave these words to whom ever may find them. The events of the last few weeks have proven neigh impossible to properly relay all that has happened. Asmodeus Red has been recruited by the armies of hell to fight in some up and coming conflict. Both Hansen and I have tagged along, as we train to fight some type of cosmic entity. We believe it was the same entity that Aldered prayed too. Perhaps there is some type of connection between him and Red and this conflict. For now we spend our days drilling among the creates of the 7th layer of hell. Preparing for war.
I have managed to send this letter back to where we left the material world. If anyone finds it. Please deliver this letter to Vespera Achlys Othalam of Deostock.
Vespera, I am sorry about the events of the last few weeks. We never got the time to sit down and really talk about your changes, mine and where this leaves us. With luck we will meet again some day. I leave my Inn and any worldly possessions to you back in town. Stay safe.