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Tue 19th Jul 2022 11:58

A feeling of forboding

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

I don't know what is going on with me. We are taking a few minutes to rest and recoup after dealing with that business within the tower to Melora. (really.. its a light house). I.. need to record this just in case i forget more of what happened.
So there we were, deep in the tower of Melora, Percy, Aldred and Vespera were dealing with plant zombies in the base as Antwan, Avon and myself were up at the top of the circular staircase. The battle seemed to be going downhill quickly, and I watched Avon leap down hundreds of feet to try and help out. Feeling useless and in a panic I climbed the ladder to the top of the light house, Thinking maybe there would be something to help further up. What i stumbled upon, was far worse then I expected.
The room at the top of the lighthouse was bathed in dim sickening light which emanated the beacon at the heart of all this. The vines from below seemed to flow up through cracks in the floor and walls, in a beautiful show of the power of nature. They all made their way to the central beacon, where I could see a Dagger of some type had been jammed into the crystal beacon. A foul energy seemed to pulsate from this dagger and it was clear that this could be the key to dealing with the vines. I then heard a muffled moan, and as my attention turned to the point of the sound, I could see a man.. elf.. someone. They were bound by vines and hanging upside down, their arms lashed to their side and a thick vine snaking around their neck and across their mouth like a gag.
My attention switched back to the din of battle below me, I knew I had to do something. So I out stretched my hand, attempting to grab the dagger. If I could just remove it, I thought all this would be over. Concentrating with great effort, I was able to cause the dagger to gradually remove itself from its entrapment and come hurtling towards my hand. I had done it! But what came next still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. A shutter rippled through the room, it was if all the vines had recoiled at the pain of the dagger being. Off in the shadowy distance, rising from the mass of greenery came a twisted form of something large in a vaguely humanoid shape but roughly 10 feet tall. I knew that I was dead if i stayed on that ladder, so I did the only thing I could think of. Climbing for my life, I made my way into the chamber. In my hasty movement I had lost sight of this creature, and then my world was rocked. Two massive appendages slammed into the ground just inches from my head, how it missed me I will never know.
In sheer panic I did the only thing I could think to do, drawing my dagger and thrusting it deep into the belly of the aggressive vegetation. A flash of memory hit me, about a phrase I had read long ago, deep in the library of my father’s house. Closing my eyes I yelled out “Be Still!” and then in a flash, I lost contact with my dagger. The vegetation shifted again to lash out and I ran for my life across the room. When I looked back, the creature had been Locked in space, the dagger stuck in its mid-section and holding it fast. Unfortunately, this also trapped it above the only access to this part of the lighthouse, and when Percy came to help, he was quickly smashed back down the ladder. Taking advantage of Percy’s brief distraction. I freed the body hanging from the ceiling who I then believed to be the wizard Yusa. Ripping him free of the offending vines, he and I quickly reduced the create to a pile of charred ash. Just in time for the rest of our group to come climbing up into the chamber.
What transpired next was a brief questioning of the man who claimed to be Yussa. But my companions quickly deduced that this was not in fact actually Yussa!
From here on out my memory seems to be foggy. I.. remember taking the cursed dagger back and driving it deep within this charlatans foot. The blade piercing his skin, driving deep and pinning his foot to the floor. But a most unexpected thing happened, It started as a sinking feeling in the pit of my belly, that grew to a bout of nausea. I managed to, mostly hide it from the group but even now a few hours later it still seems to stick with me.
I believe we met with Yussa at some point.. but this fever has crept upon me and I think I just need to rest for a little while. I must also study this dagger from the lighthouse more, I keep it with me now. If I recall more, I shall write it down.