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Tue 24th May 2022 09:25

Church Fires and Sandy Beaches

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

12th of Kythona - The Crater
I've found her!!! I cannot begin to proclaim how excited i am to write that. After so many years.
But I cannot.. Fully explain the happenings of the last few hours.
I am sitting on a sand beach next to the ocean, and I am attempting to write this down as a record, in the chance I have gone mad and my mind slips away.
I must start in Deastock. As I walked in the town, I was waylaid with some.. journalist who persisted to ask me all manors of questions. In fearing that she was actually not who she claimed she was, I did my best to lead her astray in answering her questions about myself. Then an a great fire erupted from a church at the end of the street. I was about to make my way out of town in due haste to avoid unwanted attention when I saw her. It was Vespera! for some reason she was in town on her own accord.. we recognized each other and among all the chaos of the fire in the background we managed to remake our acquaintance.
The events from here on out take a turn for the weird. We made haste to a place she described only as the library, from what I understand. It seemed to be an suppository for information and some type of hidden group. But as we approached there seemed to be a large crack and flash of light, and all we could find was a crater where the building was standing before? Or so they say..
We were met by a host of characters who seemed panicked by the events that had just transpired.
And then a large discharge of magical energy and poof. We find our selves on this beach. I can only guess we are somewhere on the menagerie coast due to the tropical beach i now set my toes in.
Vespera has come a long way in her studies, i witnessed her use the body of some poor sailor to create a scythe. I could only imagine to one who had not spent time muddling and reading through ancient texts on necromagics that this process would be quiet unsettling. How she managed to get the blood of her hands in this place i shall never know.
Echo seems to have located a temple inland from the beach. I believe we shall be making a trip that way soon. There is something about this place that just leaves me unsettled. The arcane energies swirl around us still.