Friends & Assassins by Charlotte | World Anvil
Sat 11th Sep 2021 01:07

Friends & Assassins

by Charlotte Sommer

What just happened? I feel so out of my depth.
It already felt like we might have made a mistake coming to Nogvurot. There were Righteous Brand everywhere. After our encounter on the road, we were all feeling pretty nervous. We a table near the back of a tavern to get some food for the kids. I could tell Talli and Virdan were really feeling anxious about being in town. I was too after what happened on the way here. I figured we could just get some food, retreat to a couple of rooms, and get back out of town quickly. It seems like that's exactly what we'll be doing... just not how I expected.
After we heard about the people hiding out in their rooms using an illusion to hide their faces, I just knew it had to be the people they were really looking for when they stopped us on the road. Virdan and Trill went to be sneaky and check it out, but all hell broke loose. Apparently, an assassin showed up and tried to kill the people in the room! Trill came to tell me, but whoever it was had already run away by the time I got there.
We quickly hid the two people in another room and we found out one of them is an ambassador for the Kryn Dynasty! She was trying to make peace with the Empire and they sent an assassin to kill her. Now, they're looking for help getting back to Xhorhas and I guess we're going to do that? Don't get me wrong; I want to help them. I just feel in over my head.
But I think maybe sticking with this big group is a good idea. We can't stay here now. The assassin got away and it sounds like Virdan and some of his family have been attacked by one of these assassins too. I feel bad for dragging them into more trouble. I'm the one who invited them to come here, after all. We have to get them out of here and we're all safer together.
One bright point of the night was that I saw Pan again! And he's not mad at me! I thought that Gabrod and him would hate me, but he said Gabrod was fine and that they don't hate me at all. He even gave me a hug! It was so nice to see a familiar face. We didn't have a good chance to talk about the circus, but I do want to hear how my father has been doing. It doesn't seem like I'll be seeing him anytime soon and I've almost given up on finding my brother.

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