A Performance Gone Wrong by Charlotte | World Anvil
Thu 2nd Sep 2021 02:42

A Performance Gone Wrong

by Charlotte Sommer

While traveling with the circus, I began finding ways to work my newly learned magic into the performances. During a rehearsal one day, two of the other performers were working on a Risley circus act. I attempted to cast Enhance Ability on them to boost their Charisma and add more flash, but something went wrong with the spell. I lost control of my magical power and it poured into the performers. The strongman performer, Gabrod, was gravely injured and permanently disfigured by the magic, but a psychic link was also formed between him and his performing partner, Panlo. As Gabrod recovered from the incident, he also grew to resent me for what I had done to him. Feeling guilty, I began to consider leaving the circus.

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