Discovering Avandra by Charlotte | World Anvil
Wed 1st Sep 2021 01:51

Discovering Avandra

by Charlotte Sommer

I traveled all over the empire with my father and the circus for the better part of two years. I learned more about performing, music, and even life outside the empire. I began to learn how to use music to create magic from one of the other performers (Davoryn). He taught me about the bard colleges and how I can do even more amazing things with my music. He also taught me to play the shawm and the lute.
Spending time with my father, I began to learn about the things that were important to him. He taught me about a goddess he worships called Avandra, the Changebringer. I immediately felt a connection to her ideals of freedom over tyranny and bringing good change to the world. My time among freethinkers helped me connect even more to her. My father gave me a coin with her face on it for luck and told me if I find others who follow her and they would give me shelter.
I have my coin of the Changebringer on me at all times, now. It reminds me of my father and the ideals of freedom, expression, and making good change in the world. I try to follow those commandments every day: learning to be bold, trust that Avandra will guide me, and try to bring joy and leave places better than I found them.

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