A Dress for Thistle by Charlotte | World Anvil
3rd of Sydenstar, 385 PD

A Dress for Thistle

by Charlotte Sommer

Soooooo.... I had a talk with Thistle and she apparently thinks I'm super charming (which was just the sweetest thing to say) and she wants help. I thought she was asking about the way I act, but it turns out she was talking more about how feminine I am. I told her I have costumes and we could maybe find something for her. She seemed a little embarrassed but I'm super excited about this!
I started taking a look at my costumes to see which one I might be able to have altered for her. Maybe if we stop at Grimgolir, I could get someone to work on it for me. I could ask Panlo; he knows some weaving and stitching, I think. I just don't know if I want to talk about it with anyone but Thistle right now. I don't think she wants the others to know about it. I think I have an idea, though! I hope Thistle likes it!

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