A Family Estrangement by Charlotte | World Anvil
Wed 1st Sep 2021 01:42

A Family Estrangement

by Charlotte Sommer

When I was 22, a traveling performing troupe called Molina's Illustrious Circus came through Odessloe. For the first time, my mother told me about my father. She told me that he used to travel with that circus. She told me his name was Karai and told me if I wanted to meet him, I might be able to find him with the group. I inquired at the circus and found him. It was the first he had ever heard of me. He has a kind disposition and was excited to meet me.

Karai stayed behind the rest of the troupe and spent a month or so in Odessloe getting to know me. I saw many of my own qualities and quirks in him and we bonded instantly. Seeing that I was not happy where I was and that I loved music so much, he invited me to join him and the circus to see a little more of the Empire. I happily agreed and went told my family of the plan.

My stepfather felt leaving my family and my town to travel with a troupe was no way to live a life and told me he would consider it an abandonment of the family. Feeling angry and deflated, I told him I would be glad to abandon such selfish and shallow people and him and his children. My siblings happened to be listening in and became deeply offended. He declared that I would be dead to them if I left. I decided to leave that part of my life behind and go with my father to find a new life.
My stepfather and my half siblings no longer speak to me or even acknowledge that I exit. My mother, however, secretly writes to me.

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