The Road to Nogvurot by Charlotte | World Anvil
Sat 11th Sep 2021 01:12

The Road to Nogvurot

by Charlotte Sommer

I met people! I was starting to feel kind of lonely and the guilt brewing back up about Gabrod wasn’t helping, either. I was starting to feel down and was trying to cheer myself up with a little tune, when I came upon a family camping out in the forest. Well, technically they were trying to trap me and steal from me, but I think they were just desperate.
Virdan, he’s the one I’ve talked to the most; he told me that they were trying to get out of Rexxentrum. I think it’s something to do with the Crownsguard, but I didn’t want to be too nosy. They seemed really nervous and scared; I figured questions would make them even more wary. I offered for them to join me so we could travel together and maybe find somewhere they could settle down and get some food and provisions. Most of them seemed reluctant, but Virdan talked them into it.
Most of it was pretty fun. We played an animal naming game. Virdan’s sprite friend, Trill came up with some that I’ve never heard. Then, I sang them a song, “The Roadside Fire” because they seemed a little down and we needed something upbeat and happy. Virdan’s siblings didn’t say much. I think Tali was on their guard. The younger ones seemed shy or wary about me too. They did seem to enjoy the song, though. I hope I can keep brightening their moods with more music in the future.
We did have a really close call. Virdan spotted some Righteous Brand heading up the road and I tried to disguise myself to blend in with the forest a little better. Apparently, that was a bad idea. The Righteous Brand yelled for us to stop. I followed Virdan’s lead because I didn’t want to make anything worse for him. We tried to talk our way out, but it didn’t go well at all. We almost got arrested! Luckily, Virdan, Trill, and I were able to get them down with some poison arrows and a sleep spell and we got away.
I’m not giving up on finding Ambition, but I think I need to help this family. I don’t know what happened to them, but they seem like they’re actually good people. They just need some help.

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