Happy Birthday, Thistle by Charlotte | World Anvil
7th of Sydenstar, 385 PD

Happy Birthday, Thistle

by Charlotte Sommer

It’s Thistle’s birthday and we just finished having a girls night. She told me she didn’t want to do anything for her birthday, but I can’t help myself sometimes. Besides, Ael suggested a slumber party and the ideas just started piling on after that. She said she’s never had a good birthday, so I was a little determined to make sure this one was great. I didn’t tell anyone it was her birthday, though. It seemed like she wanted to keep it a secret.
We had so much fun! We got her fitted for a dress, which got delivered tonight and it looks SO GREAT. We went to a dirty bookstore with Ael and found some books and… other items. We went to the hot springs with all the girls and we had splash fights and talked about who we like and Kayrin made us all flower crowns. It was a great night and not only do I think Thistle had a great birthday, I think it might be the first of many great birthdays.
I just wanted her to know that she’s loved and to spend some time with this crazy, amazing group we’ve become. It felt like so much joy after being so careful and wary on the road. I know I smile a lot, but I smiled so much my face hurt tonight and I think Thistle did too. She even got a kiss from Trill and I’ve never seen her blush like that.
Happy Birthday, Thistle. I hope you felt love and safety and joy tonight.

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