A Shadow's Breath from Death by Charlotte | World Anvil
1st of Sydenstar, 385 PD

A Shadow's Breath from Death

by Charlotte Sommer

I think I just almost died. I feel terrible. It was a terrible night and I hate terrible nights. We had to fight these gross dog things and some kind of ghost.
I thought it was going to be a good night. We all shared a little more about each other. Usually, I love story time... but everyone's stories were so sad. I guess parts of my past are sad too. I honestly just don't like to think about it.
When Thistle told us about her father not wanting her, it reminded me of my childhood and when I left home. Maybe I should write to my mother again. I do miss her, even if I'm not welcome back home.
Then Ael told us a little about her past (kind of). Now I understand why she always seems so serious. I know life can get serious and she's gone through so much. I can't imagine going through what she has. I can understand why she didn't want to talk about it.
I told everyone about leaving home and feeling lonely and wanting to find a new family. Maybe that sounds stupid and naïve to say to people I've only known for a couple of days, but it really does seem like we all have each others' backs. I don't know. I just don't want to be alone again.

Continue reading...

  1. An Outsider at Home
  2. A Family Estrangement
  3. Discovering Avandra
  4. A Performance Gone Wrong
  5. The Search for More Family
  6. Friends & Assassins
  7. The Road to Nogvurot
  8. A Charming Exit
  9. A Shadow's Breath from Death
    1st of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  10. Bandits & New Friends
    2nd of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  11. A Dress for Thistle
    3rd of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  12. A Letter to Mom
    6th of Sydenstar, 385
  13. Happy Birthday, Thistle
    7th of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  14. FUCK