A Charming Exit by Charlotte | World Anvil
Sun 19th Sep 2021 01:36

A Charming Exit

by Charlotte Sommer

I've been thinking about magic. I haven't been using it as much since I left the circus, only when it seems like my only option. After what happened with Pan and Gabrod, I thought maybe I wasn't any good at it. Last night made me think I might be good at it after all.
I charmed that guard (though I do hope they weren't too mad at me when it wore off). Ael seemed impressed, like maybe I could teach her something. I've never taught anyone anything, but I don't know. Maybe I could try to help her. Even my accident with Panlo and Gabrod turned out to help them in some way. Maybe it's not dangerous for me to use my magic.
It's so nice to be around more people again, to be part of a group again. I don't know how long it will last, but Pan said he would help me find Ambition when we get the ambassador back to safety. It's so nice to see Pan again! The story he told me is crazy and I'm glad he got out of there safely. I hope my dad isn't getting into anything he can't handle with the circus.
I'm not completely sure about heading into Xhorhas. I know it seems like the only choice we have right now, but I've never heard anything good about it. My father told me not to believe everything I heard growing up in the Empire. Talking to the ambassador helped. She spoke so fondly of the way the different cultures of Xhorhas live among each other. Maybe seeing somewhere outside the Empire will be good for me.
I keep reminding myself that change is good. I can be bold and head into the unknown. Avandra will be with me.

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