Bandits & New Friends by Charlotte | World Anvil
2nd of Sydenstar, 385 PD

Bandits & New Friends

by Charlotte Sommer

It would be nice to be able to get through a day without being attacked by something. Virdan had just stumbled across someone new and we were introducing ourselves when we were rudely interrupted by bandits, and they had a blade on Thistle! I was so worried about Viertree and the children! I put a couple of them to sleep and did my best to help out the group.
I got angry again. They were hurting Ael and I was so worried about her. She had killed one of them. I hope she's okay, but we had to protect the kids. We can't let Virdan's family get hurt. I just hope we can make it to the border soon and get the kids to safety. I know Virdan is so worried.
Thistle gave Panlo a sword. He showed it to me tonight. I think they got it from that shadow thing that drained all my strength. It's a beautiful sword. Thistle and Panlo seem so close. There's a part of me that's jealous. It's stupid. We're all friends, right? I like Thistle! Why should I be jealous? Maybe I just need some sleep.
I didn't get to talk to Gael much. I'm definitely interested in learning more about him. I was a little confused about his story about a fern? I think? Or a person called Fern? Maybe I was just out of it. I'm just glad we have a new friend. I love friends and being around people always makes me feel good and keeps me from thinking too much.

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