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Sat 31st Jul 2021 05:53

Let's go into that room!

by LightFace

We enter the room with the weird stuff.
Two creatures fighting. We decide to give them time to fight, and explore the bit we haven't seen.
Find a hanging cage with blood droplets beneath it.
We get a bucket, and fill it with water from outside. We fling a bucket of water at the fire elemental...
Nothing happens. Then Yopo tries to grab the potion, but his hand goes through it.
Bodgan collapses in a stunned stupor.
He tries for the chest, and gets a ring from it.
We look at the ring and elven emerald ring, and seven settings with small tear shaped rubies.
Orla fires an arrow and connects, the earth elemental swings back! Ker-Bonk!
We fight!
Lightface throws a red gem in the fire elemental. It melts with no apparent effect.
Lightface throws a brown gem into the earth elemental. He catches it, and crushes it. No apparent effect.
We drop the earth elemental.
The fire elemental turns to Lightface and bows, and disappears.
Bodgan tries to get the potion, and his hand goes through it.
Bogdan puts the ring on, and tries to grab the potion.
His hand goes through it as well.
We look through the grates. They go down a few feet and there's dirt and stuff.
We tunnel down a cave-in spot, and find ourselves by another elemental fight.
Water Elemental Vs. Air Elemental.
Shimmering Potion on another pedestal
We try to provoke the one that actually attacks us.
They both attack him. He tries to grab a potion and grabs air again. We cant get this one either, and both elementals hurt....alot.
We find another secret door. We find a pool with 6 inches of water. There is a broken sword, and an broken piece of wood dipping into the pool. We find a shiny rock. in some rubble Red tint. There's a chest in the room too.
The barbarian tries to pick a lock on the chest.
Acid Sprays out. Inside the chest there are 3 anklets - decorative.
Silver Decorative anklets.
We put anklets on and try to go in the pool. Nothing happens.
We go back to the fire & earth elemental room, and try to grab a potion.
We get a beating again.
We overthink it for a while and then realize that our actions are deciding our god.
We decide to fight the air elemental because we like water.
We beat the air elemental, and the water elemental bows to us.
We go to the third elemental fight. A water fights a fire. Lightface bows to them both and they bow back and vanish. Lightface grabs the potion, and picks it up.
He drinks it and gets one long rest at any moment.
Yopo sharpens the broken sword as best he can. Goblins want to be prepared and ready to use whatever they have.
They return the noble to his home, and we come upon a lil hovel house.
We introduce ourselves, and tell our adventures. Tell our tales.
HIs name is Wilber Coats, he's been all by himself for a while. He hardly has anyone pass by. Bugbears walked by the other day.
We tell him about our adventures. He enjoys them immensely.
He feeds us delicious fish. We tell him tales of our youth.
We rest up, and wake up refreshed in the morning.
We roll out to Zeif.
We come upon a spider in a tree. We decided to leave it alone if it doesn't attack us.
We came upon a giant butterfly. Same thing. We leave it alone.
Ettercap approach and attack!
We defeat them.
We get to the ruins, and Bogdan finds his unlucky coin down the well he threw it down.
A Lady aproaches, and says you like to test your chances - she's got an ruby betweeen her boobs.
"I sense luck being used, and yours is almost out"
Bogdan tries to throw it back down the well. he falls into a seizure.
Dead guy is Hugh Costa - a foreigner who passed through Zeif some time ago.