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Sat 19th Jun 2021 06:04

Back down the hole we go.

by LightFace

We rest up outside the cave, and then we delve back down ready to kill more spiders.
We argue about torches when we encounter a web.
Yopo tries to tear a bit out with his shovel.
We discuss some more.
We discuss some more.
Orla mentions having a shovel.
The webs spark. The webs take a very very very very very very very very very very very very very long time to burn.
We explore!
They set a trap for us!
The Spiders attack and it's a very harrowing fight!
Lightface falls down! But then we read the rules and he gets better.
We get out, we recoup and heal up, and make a third delve into the dungeon.
We explore the dungeon and find a 2x1x1 lapicho chest
Around it is a pile of mining picks, and a Silver-plated Glaive with bloodstone jewel in the hilt
We open a the chest.
276 sp
We make our way to find the miners to tell them their dungeon is clear, and we get jumped by dogs and a bug thing.
Yopo ticks off the miners, and then we make friends.
They sign off the clip board , and we're okay to go an get our payment from the AG.
We ask about the strange metal, but they don't know anything about it.
They don't even know anything about metals, because they mine gems.
Yopo explains the desire to find the strange metal mine.
The Goblin Mayor candidate had told us that the not goblin elite knew about the metal, but not sharing the information.
So he feels that we should find it, and share it with the less elite.
(He's very enthusiastic about this)
We think about how to get around the lake. We decide to risk crossing it.
It's the shortest direction, and it seems like it'll hold us, but if we shouldn't jump and smash it.