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Sat 17th Apr 2021 03:48

Session 3 - Look! We're in Pinebrook! It's got Pines! And Brooks!

by LightFace

We're so impressed at how not full of skeletons it is.
Perrydrick and Ahkim are some other goblins in town.
We're staying at the Scarlet Harpy.
The Owner is a dwarf. He doesn't like us.

We remember we're trying to get to Halmir.
We're told to head to the church of Scyndar. Wold Little runs the place.
The Hearth & Candle are lit. 24/7 "We'll leave the light on for you"
I get naked and show him my symbol.
There was an old story, with that symbol.
I'll go research, and get back to you in a few hours.
We go to the church of light to see if anything catches my eye.
Ahk - Law - Obey the Law
Andor - Life and Death - Live a long life and bury the dead people.
Alura - Nature - Protects the fluffy bunnies and flowers...and she feeds people.
Dara - Luck, the road & travel - wagon people
Ellina - Nobility - Wife of Dural - Keeper of the 13 crowns - Be respectful to leaders - I get a strong ping here
Katar - Lust fate joyfulness fate
Rhiannan - Goddes of the fey
Haphestus - Makes stuff
Sivan - Waters and rivers and oceans
Scindar -
Tylora -
Ned - The guy who runs the church - "I saw that symbol about 15 years ago....but all those goblins are dead now"
In the Ghitarian War that ended 15 year ago.
Somewhere in the Ragged Mountains.
"I knew Val"
She ran paperwork back and forth about the land.
"If you're trying to revive a demon or evil deity, be careful"
We go and tell the army guy about the city of the undead.
We go back to the Scyndar temple - Wold shows us a book with the symbol. It's missing the green color.
I don't know what that means. Val to you? Entity? Inside you? We can do a spell to see if there's something in you."
He casts a spell. I feel pain. Val said "she had her demons"
"Val said she had her own demons, she has demon blood in her, but always kept it under control. Maybe she used it to give you something, and you've got that demon bit in you"
Keep him from female ghosts.
Use Rock Salt.
Lightface prays to Ellina.
"Dear Ellina - They say i have demon blood. I don't want bad demon blood. They say I might worship you. But your symbol doesn't match my symbol. So. I ask for help. I need help finding a god. My god is good...i think. My god helps me healing and keeping my friends alive. I know you can help me do that too though. So. Until I find my god. I talk to you. You help Lightface?"
Then they pack up , they buy some equipment, and prepare to leave town.
As soon as they leave, there's an earthquake for 2 minutes.
They stand up, and brush themselves off. Then they head back to town as now there's smoke rising from Pinebrook.
They're stopped by swarms of roaches, also heading to town.
They decided to beat them to town.
They come upon a person.
Lightface throws a parley rock...and misses terribly.
The person turns around, and he's a bony leader!
We Attack! We kill it!
Then the roaches catch up with us!
We fight them too!
No we don't. We go back to town.
Fire! Town on Fire!
We help carry people out of the building.
We help fix people who are dragged out.
Those roaches finally show up and fight us!
They Drop the Cleric and the Barbarian!
We help cleaning out around town, and saving people.
My symbol has faded? Wha?
We save 74 people.
967 are dead.
Ned is Ded.
Akim the Goblin is dead.
Wold has been injured.
We are heroes of the town.
Lookout for Monsters!
Lookout for Undead!
We come around a corner to see a dire wolf eating a kid.
We fight! We Win!
We Level up!