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Sat 21st Aug 2021 06:37

So...we're looking for families

by LightFace

We awake from a rest and plan to head to explore to find the missing families.
We begin discussing an alibi that isn't too far fetched.
We come across a poor bridge, and we decide to build it a good bridge.
While building,we get attacked!
Two giants and a displacer beast. We throw the giants in the river and put the displacer beast in the trunk.
After two days, we complete Goblin Bridge
We find the first farm of missing folks. No obvious combat. Seems like they just got up and left.
Food on the stove was cold. Half built shed.
We look for clues, and find nothing.
We feed the chickens, take some eggs, and we move onto the next farm.
There's a stand of trees, some have been cut down....
We investigate....
We find an ancient building that one of the trees had fell on, and we find a unicorn medallion.
We discover Bogdan was born under the sign of the unicorn.
Lightface is born under the sign of the Beaver.
We explore the ancient building.
We find goopy monsters!
And Ghosty monsters!
The tanks fall down holes and they fall down a hole! They tell lightface to jump down the hole, he does!
We find the families at the bottom of the pit. People are hungry and injured.
There's a chest in the middle of the room, and a pillar supporting the ceiling. It's about 30 feet up.
Lightface neutralizes the poison on the poisoned peasant...and'd be helpful for him to rest.
4 adults and 4 kids
Yopo tries to pick a lock, and a gas cloud gets out!
Lightface drops!
While lightface is unconscious, they try to throw an improvised grappling hook up through the window, but it bounces off. It appears to be a one way trip!