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Sat 22nd May 2021 06:02

Halmir Adventuring

by LightFace

Lightface and Orna check out the Adventurer's guild and find a post the two of them can handle.
Clean Bonies from the basement.
The house it empty.
We go straight for the basement.
We fight Skeletons! We take their skulls when we beat them.
We get beat up! But we keep winning!
We find a ghost! We defeat it! and the ghost floats down a hole in the basement, which then vanishes into nothing, as if it were never there!
We pick up the skulls, and head out of the house!
We bring the skulls back to the AG, and get paid.
We meet up with Bogdan and head out to the cave to clear.
We get to the cave!
We see tracks at the cave, and they look relatively humanoid.
We enter the cave and find Grimlocks!
We defeat them!
We explore the dungeon, and come upon more grimlocks.
We defeat them also.
We grab clubs from these enemies. 20 Clubs
We find a group eating human. And we find a Halmir guard patch and a waterskin with wine in it.
We put the human parts in the bag.
We come to a final chamber, and we are vastly outnumbered. We fight bravely!
Orla gets dropped! Lightface tumbles through the legs of the Grimlock to heal her!
A Pedestal raises from a lil pond, and in goblin "if you take this, you will have good luck. But someone else on the world will have bad luck"
Elven Cherry Figurine of a Crane 4lbs
Chest made of teak - locked and unopened
Silver Necklace with a griffon on it.
We exit the cave, and come upon beavers!
Lightface remembers way back when where Fren the druid told him that Beavers mean monsters.
We stop to think, and a monster erupts from the ground!
Giant digging bug thing.
We get to Halmir, and find refugees from Pinebrook.
We return to the AG and give him the clubs.
We get paid our fee. 108 gp (or 36 for each gobling present)
We return to the goblin area.
A young goblin named Baraayet approaches us and asks to join our group.
We play with him, and train him a lil bit. He's not very good.