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Sat 11th Sep 2021 12:46

We get to eat! Alot!

by LightFace

We've rescued the farmers, and are eating their food as a grand feast of thankyounesss.
We rest, we eat, and we head back to Antarn to pick up our gear.
"Lightface your vision carries you into the mountains, you see Ettins, bugbears, giants of fire and a Green Dragon.
You see a castle beyond a great maze of rock, located high in the mountains. You see many goblins in the streets of this castle."
We arrive at the inn, and there are goblins with parle rocks.
They ask us if we're the green berets and they ask to join us.
Maglatru, Maglagek, Bargriv, Yaveenk, Bargrevet
We warn them about the risks, and let them know they can join up if they feel okay with the challenge.
We get a room at the spotted ox, and get ready to do stuff in the morning.
A Gnome adventuring group is in town. Arrived just after we did.
They're staying over at the black griffon.
Sneaky goblin go and check and them out.
We go to the taxidermist and drop off the corpse of the displace beast.
He gives us nice black dog capes.
They turned out well!
The fur shimmers in a strange weird way.
175 total to make boots and gloves from the displacer beast. it will take a week.
"Hey. Where's Orla?"
"Orla was left behind. She didn't jump through. We gave it a proper burial. We put the luck stone with her and got cursed."
Shlep came down whilst in the cavern. Shlep is the new guy.
He's an archer.
That 4th cape and boots will be a reward for the best guy.
We get money and buy stuff.
We train and level up.
We find Vix the son of Jox. He also wants to join up with us.
Kegaek, Reegreereyek, Baravet are three more goblins with him.
We have 9 goblin followers now.
The Plan.
White Wolf.
White Wolf.
White Wolf.
We get our potions identifed at the wizards pinnacle by Dalumira Callis.
We roll out to white wolf.
We travel for 2 days and get to the wilds of the area.
We rest up in the wilds....and get attacked
Giant Wormy things. Two of them.
They're Giant. And wormy.
We beat them! and cut them up for diner!
The horse and Shlep both get sick.
We eat worm the whole time.
We get stopped by LarryEl.
She's a druid with a cougar.
"I hear rumors your looking for an artifact?"
If we kill a dragon there's a preserved eye that I'm looking for.
Don't touch it. Highly Powerful, Highly Evil.
The Eye of Vecna - I'm going try to destroy it
I'm going to a meeting for a few days.
She gives Yopo a stick to break and call her.
She goes and looks at the goblins. She comes back disappointing.
We offer her worm. "They're highly toxic"
We enter the Mushroom forest.
It gets pitch dark at night.
A giant mushroom tree takes a swipe at the horse!
Ack! We fight!
We eat mushroom pizzas with giant worm toppings.
Sleeping around the trees, we have vivid dreams, and we feel rested and better.
All curses and diseases are lifted.
Lightface dreams - You are a child. Your mother scolds you for playing with fire while your city burns around you.
You see as you wander the city, a dark purple crystal. It is round and is translucent. Your mom then tells you to start cleaning up your room.
We get to whitewolf, and we head to the teleporter. To go to Middletown.
We poof over to Middletown, swap the handaxe for the +1 shield, and then order up a magicking on Lightface's Glowing Shield. 1000gp and a week.
Yopo is warned. "When she wants to go one way, go the other..."
We get back to WhiteWolf, and prepare to head up the mountain.