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Sat 24th Jul 2021 04:47 everything...

by LightFace

We defeated the monsters, and begin to tend to our wounds.
We set up camp. And begin the bandages.
Yopo and Bogdan wake up and hear stuff.
Lightface doesn't hear anything. "They're crazy"
Harpys attack! We win!
Lightface prays that the harpy spirits go to wherever harpy spirits are supposed to go when they cross over....
We move on. And get a full rest.
We are awakened by Cilery Saaguul, a deer centaur. Hysbill
She's been trying to find us!
She's been keeping up on us. We did good, we did bad. Yay on the good. Boo on the bad.
Bounty Hunters want to skin us and take us in. They're skilled. Three hunters after us. Vetrans. Not greenhorns.
I have things for you.....very powerful magic items.
Frenn wants you to have these magic Hand Axes. (+1)
We ask about the giant moose. Latara The druid in that forest has orders to keep everyone out. She's kinda moody.
She wishes us luck and gallops off.
On our trip up to the cave, we find a deserted campsite....we explore....
There are three tents. The largest tent has some totems of large cats carved in the center post.
One of the smaller ones has a bottle with some liquid in it...smells like beer.
The other smaller tent has a patch of grass with a burnt bit in the middle. Like someone had a fire in the tent.
We investigate. Come up with nothing, and get attacked by bugbears!
We drop them, and lightface spares them. So they're stable, but unconscious. Then we ask them questions when they wake up.
We were warned of bounty hunters after all.
They're not very nice. And we try to talk with them.
But they're mean. So we knock them unconscious again and leave.

We find the cave, and find the skeleton. It's mostly connected still. We do our best to pick up the clothes and put it in a bag as best we can.
We build a stretcher and carry it out. We find another cave to explore, and maybe find out how the person died.
After THIS we'll totally make our way back to Zeif.
We explore the cave, and find some stuff...
We enter a room to find an earth creature fighting a fire creature there's a pedestal with shimmering translucent potion and a chest. be continued...