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Sat 24th Apr 2021 05:36

Session 5 - Interpretations in PineBrook

by LightFace

We gave the holy symbols to the church.
We sold the alchemical stuff.
We packed up and prepared to roll out.
We investigate being adventurers.
Lightface become adventurer.
We plan to head to Halmir, where there are lots of goblins.
There is no AG in Halmir, but there's one in Vinestead.,,which is along the way.
Yopo trains to level 3. We hang out and enjoy the town.
We come upon Mariel, who has a daughter, Theresa and son, Eugene and both of them are missing.
While we're waiting for Yopo to train, we help people.
Nickodemus cleans up. It's weird.
Nik asks if a kid was lost, where would they be.
"Check the Cyndar Temple?"
We go and search for the kids some more.
We find the kids outside of town, and bring them back to their mother.
We feed them, and walk them back to mom.
Mom's happy. She thanks us.
We return to the inn to rest and get beer.
A rough & tumble guy swaggers in. He holds up a gold coin and passes out.
After a while, he wakes up and introduces him as Gam Ray, from Dragons Gate.
But he works as a merchant here in Pinebrook now for 5 years. I'm a landlubber now.
He's a Tailor, but he used to be a Sailor.
We decide to get stuff made from the bear skin.
We get our bear skin cloaks and depart for Halmir.
On our travels, come across goblins looting a wagon.
"We killed them! We wanted their stuff! We want your stuff!"
"You can't have my stuff!"
[Bonk! Wiff!]
Combat! We kill the goblins!
Bandits attack!
We fight them!
Bandits & Goblins have Scimitars - 10 sell 100gp
Bandits have Crossbows - 7 Light Crossbows sell 70gp
Goblins have Shortbows - 3 Shortbows sell 30gp
1 suit Leather Armor sell 3gp
18 Bolts
Lynx Eye Gem
49 CP each
"When our wagon tipped over, we lost our horse." - Regan the human lady. Her husband and her brother were slain by the goblins.
We get the horse, we re-hitch it, we throw our junk in the wagon, and accompany the lady to Vineland.
We ride the wagon, and camp for the night....we're awakened by a giant bug! It tries to eat Yopo!
We ride on for a week, and eventually come upon a wagon train. An orc on a horse comes up to us.
"Are you alright lady?"
"These goblins have helped us'
"I'm Braldon." Pudgy Orc with strong hands.
He's the leader of a great caravan.
They're hauling building supplies up to PineBrook - to rebuild.
We all smoke around the firepit they build.
They tell us about the dragoneye lake.
We eat watermelon....and grape kool aid....and fried chicken.....
We get to vinestead, and there's alot of people. Humans and half people.
They takes everyones weapons, but Lightface's. Because he has an arm band.
We see giant blue guys, lumber, ships, busy place!
We stop in at the Black Rose
"Knight's Landing has a ghost that kills people. Adventurers said it was okay, and someone went out and got killed."
It's on the way to Halmir.
Lightface trains to level 3 in the church of light in Vinestead
Bishop's Name is Sir Godwin
Paladin's Name is Shaunti
City has been growing like crazy, church has been renovated.
Cleric by the name of Charlita trains me to level 3.
There's a huge armor smith here - He's going to make a shield out of my florescent wood - 100gp (50 I owe to Yopo/Collin)
Smithy - Gold Dolia - Jotnar
Dragoneye Lake - Local Sight
No animals fly over the lake. Noone visits the lake.
Forest of Mists on the south of the lake.
Rumors speak of a nice green lady.
Dragoneye Jim - tired to swim down to the eye, failed a few times, never came back the last time.
Been a legend for a lil over 200 years.