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Sat 23rd Oct 2021 06:11

Fire, Fire, Everywhere, and not a drop to drink...

by LightFace

We're on a ledge. Naked.
There's a bed of Lava in front of us.
We're tied up!
We're on an altar!
The King of the Goblins, Jareth. is there watching us from the other side of the lava. He's got his minions.
"We were having issues out there, and i thought i'd bring you here to discuss."
Bogdan tries to turn around, and flops into the lava.
Jareth magically pulls him out of the lava and puts him back on the altar.
He monologues and tells us that we should worship him. We refuse! and we refuse! and we refuse!
Suddenly the druid Lariel explodes into the room!
The druid kills a bunch of baddies, and then Jareth casts a spell and paralyzes her.
She distracts him, and we try to break free!
You have 13 hours to get the dark crystal from the dragons lair.
That will earn you your freedom and her freedom.
He poofs away, laughing echoing...
We bite through our ropes and attempt to acrobatics our way over the lava pit.
Lariel says go and follow the gods, take the south road.
We rest up and roll out, ready to get a dark crystal from the dragons lair.
We find the dragon cave, and encounter two kobolds outside. We cut them down easily.
We enter, and fight kobolds!
Lots and Lots of Kobolds!
We fight! We explore!
Large Green Dragon!
Lots of Shiny!
We atttaaaaaaaaack!
It's beat to hell.
We're beat to hell.
(half the party and all the minions are down)
Yopo Snaps the stick to summon Larilla, and she appears and blasts the thing with a spell.
The battle rages.
The dragon falls. Everyone else is critically wounded or unconscious.
Bogdan is the lone standing goblin.
Yopo is dead.
The Minions are dead.
The Druid is unconscious.
The Cleric is unconscious.
Shlep is barely standing.
The Druid casts spells and heals everyone up
Jareth shows up and takes the crystal, and leaves. For Good. He's ascended.
The Druid makes a tree, and we go somewhere.
She takes us to a goblin keep. Karos Keep.
They cheer us.
You will grow and teach us.
The Goddesses Name is Trizick
I am the Muhara of Fire.
Lightface's companion Bargriv is reincarnated as an Elf
Lightface's companion Reegreereyek is reincarnated as a Stout Halfling