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Sat 14th Aug 2021 04:55

We're next to a river southwest of Tannis

by LightFace

We're hanging out...camping....
And we're discussing new roll20 like systems.
Seth is going to leave us for an in person game. Someday....
Westward till Anton
We see a wagon train of logs coming down the road.
It's coming our way. It'll be tight.
They skooch over as best they can. We skooch over as best we can.
They ride by. Life goes on.
It starts raining. Dark & dreary.
As night falls, we try to find a spot to stop.
While we rest, we get attacked by dark dogs!
We fight!
We win! And we pick up the dogs and throw 'em in the back of the wagon.
Along our travels we come upon another caravan, and a rider comes up to us...
a human woman. Odd but warm smile. Something slightly different about it.
They ask us to pull over and let them pass. We agree.
Aretha Stanton - She thanks us
The Road behind be has been uneventful. All the way to Anton.
Cargo. Some wagons are Clucking and cooing. Some have hanging beef. Some have Slate Sheet rock. Some have Furniture. And some are Covered wagons.
We travel, and sleep. and continue on.
Next day we come upon some wrecked abandoned wagons. No people in them. Stuff in them.
No blood. No horses. One has some crates. One has some crates and some bags. One has living quarters and stuff.
We approach the wagon/living quarters and reach to open the door...
Bogdan says "Get back to our wagon. I have a bad feeling about this."
We load up and get back on the road.
"There were guards hiding off the side of the road. Like it was a sting or something."
We arrive at the City of Malice - Antern.
The city guards wear the same armor and gear of the people hiding in the woods.
Yopo buys random stuff. Usefull stuff.
We drop the dogs off at the taxidermist. 4 capes - 400gp 2.5 weeks.
We grab the cards off the adventurer's guild. Magically appearing house, and missing family.
We stay at the spotted ox. "The spiders burrow wayhouse"
The town is bad. They can change the law and your in trouble. They set people up to get arrested.
We get rooms and rest up for the night.
We wake up and head north to the magic house that mysteriously shows up.
On our way! We find Giants! And they want to eat our horse!
We fight!
We win! And we move onto the mystery house.
It seems to be a large manor. With gardens and everything! Heavy front door. Locked heavy front door.
We walk around the place, and see a fountain with glowing water, and a statue of a twisted human as if he's shifting into a new form.
We find a guest house - and it's unlocked.
We enter and announce ourselfs.
Monsters! Eyes glowing red! They look at Bogdan and he runs out of the room!
They're contorted women - they're wrapped in weird cloth. They've got torqs around their necks.
They punch Yopo, and he runs away.
We decide to look for the missing families rather than fight the mysteries in the mystery house.