Places to Know - A Quick Locations Guide

Similarly to Names to Know - A Quick Character Guide, here is a quick run down of frequently mentioned locations or places I am focusing on developing - both for my own reference and yours!



The world in which everything occurs. Aanrah was created by the First Gods almost 10 millennia ago, originating once as a well of power in the fabric of reality in which greater powers gathered around. The solid earth itself was said to have been made by the god Bukrkry†, with the moons created from the excess material. Aanrah is about the same size as earth and operates under a perfect 365 day/year orbit around its Sun.

Aanrah's Core

The center of Aanrah and its own demidimension, Aanrah's core is both in Aanrah, in the Underworld, and is its own place simultaneously. Visited by few, Aanrah's core is a dangerous place of wildly uncontrolled energy and magic, and is the secret prison of the long-forgotten god Okẽpluyxtai.


The second and smallest of Aanrah's moons that one had the closest orbit to Aanrah. It was created and ruled by the god Ineyale Phor†, and was home to the native Bazan Moon Elves. Baza has since disappeared, and the circumstances involving its disappearance are unknown outside of those directly involved.


The third and only remaining moon. Benshuen is about the size of Earth's moon with a similar orbit, and was created and ruled by the god Yalidil Rana. It is populated by the Benshuen Moon Elves and is fully cut off from Aanrah. Nobody travels to Benshuen, and the only ones who leave are the increasingly rare exiles.


The first and largest of Aanrah's moons, it used to orbit the furthest out and had the slowest orbit time. It was created and ruled by the god Morden Oeru†. Honoun has since collapsed in an event that would nearly wipe out life on Aanrah. It was once home t o the Honoun Moon Elves, the descendants of which are now the Dark Elves.


The tallest mountain on Aanrah, Gezralahdnat stretches far into the sky and towers above all other mountains. It was a active volcano until relatively recently, and has been the throne of the gods Deiahdrahl† and Maholdymyndr in the past. It is now under rule by Maholdymyndr's son, Kegrøiilœn.

Nurí / The Faerealms

The realm of the Fae, Nurí is a dimension that overlaps Aanrah in some spots. Ruled by the Fae King Ort, it is a exotic paradise stuck at eternal twilight - a island of life surrounded by barren wasteland on one side and a infinite sea on the other. Other fae civilizations exist over these desolate landscapes, as well as connections to other worlds.

The Underground

The complex series of caves and tunnels that run under Aanrah's surface. These networks are filled with countries belonging predominately to Dwarves and dark elves, and stretch all the way down from what is considered a mile or lower and to almost the world's core. The Underground overlaps with the Underworld as it nears the core.

The Underworld

A parallel dimension that overlaps with Aanrah's core, the Underworld can be reached sporadically by traveling in the lower reaches of the Underground, with increasing frequency in the thin holes between reality the closer to the core one gets. The Underworld is ruled by Talatarael and the Nymauti Demons - travelers from another world who use the Underworld to reach Aanrah originally.



Located on the continent of Draakrahlr, Aaranorin is a open, grassy country best known for being the global center of magic on Aanrah. Home to the The King's Labyrinth - the supposed prison of the once-mortal god Szaifudrus - Aaranorin is on the cutting edge of magic and magic use in the modern era. Its magical prowess makes it one of the most powerful and dangrous countries on Aanrah, and it is frequently the center of conflict. It is predominantly populated by humans who speak Levnoblilish.


Located on the eastern shore of the continent of Mzeling above Chang Kri, Blackfront is a country that is a mix of tropical forests and barren desert. Constantly at war with the hoards of undead that spill fourth from the mysterious Black Gate, Blackfront is in a constant state of struggle and war. It is predominantly populated by humans and sun elves who speak Common and Ntubuian.

Chang Kri

Located on the eastern shore of Mzeling under Blackfront, Chang Kri is a large country largely dominated by the Sea of Ghosts, and hosts the world's largest population - a majority of which live in the crater left on the western side of the country by Honoun's collapse. Chang Kri exists in a perpetual state of struggle between their harsh environment and their tyrannical leaders. A majority of the population is sun elves who speak Ntubuian.

Democracy of the Southern Canal

Located on the continental divide between Tshasir and Mzeling, the Democracy of the Southern Canal was forged when the Southern Canal itself was bore to connect the Khtʼehh Wamǔ Ocean and the Khtʼehh Kehrʼl Ocean. It exists as one of the most important trading centers on Aanrah. It is predominately populated by wood elves and humans who speak Náian and common.

The Great Tribe Bands

One of the largest countries in the world, the Great Tribe Bands exists in the center of the continent of Vuorlan, below the Holy Kingdom of Io and the Kingdom of Four. A wide, wild landscape largely untouched by large towns and cities, the Great Tribe Bands is inhabited mostly by hunter-gatherer orcs and goblins who speak Mögchin.


A small and struggling country, Gusmuilor is located towards the north of Draakrahlr near the border of The Northern Kingdom. Currently under rule by the young queen Wenefrey Sunspire, Guismuilor lays at the heart of a plot by the Northern Kingdom and its royal court mage Sinvre Melcraft to undergo a less-than-eithical change of hands. Its population is majority humans who speak common.

The Holy Kingdom of Io

A large, cold country on the northern shores of Vuorlan above the Great Tribe Bands and the Kingdom of Four, the Holy Kingdom of Io is the central hub for the Riunivarmen Religion, and is ruled by the religion's divine-appointed king-priest. As such, it is the heart of the corruption that runs deep through the pantheon's Light Branch. A majority of the population is high elves that speak Riunivarmen.

The Kingdom of Four

A strange, mysterious and extremely isolationist small country between the Holy Kingdom of Io and the Great Tribe Bands on Vuorlan, the Kingdom of Four is a perfectly circular country surrounded on all sides by towering black walls. Broken into a section of four with a inner circle that follows the same suit, The Black Spire lays at the country's heart - the world's tallest structure that rivals Gezralahdnat. The country is ruled by the mysterious Meekhûhtahqn, and its civilians are exclusively Ynvónyẽian Demons who speak Ynvónyẽian.

The Kingdom of the Night Hunt

A country on the eastern half of the large south-eastern island stretch of Draakrahlr, the Kingdom of the Night Hunt is populated by the unique night elves and ruled by the god The Night Hunt. A population of naturally-born werewolves, the Kingdom of the Night Hunt exists as a unique and unusual culture that fiercely defends its mountainous border from its enemies in Nyakon.

The Northern Kingdom

The northernmost country on Draakrahlr, the frigid Northern Kingdom is a perpetual war engine ruled by the young king Heliocene with the aid of his older sister Thaliadine. Sparse on its own resources and in the middle of a expansion when their previous king was assassinated, the Northern Kingdom looks to Heliocene in hopes that he will take over his father's reigns in time to keep its military from collapsing, or for other countries to prepare a push back. The population is majority humans that speak common.

Ojec Yneytl Xor

A unusual tropical country located on the western coast of Cryngasth, Ojec Ynetyl Xor is ruled by the ascended mortal-turned-demon god Wolqyyis. The only country on the surface of Aanrah that hosts a majority population of Nymauti demons or that speak majority Nymauti,

The Plutocracy of the Two Canals

Located on the continental divide of Tshasir and Draakrahlr, the Plutocracy of the Two Canals exists around the Western & Eastern Canals and their connection between the Khtʼehh Wamǔ Ocean and the Khtʼehh Fʼǔgʼhtʼi Ocean. Another one of the world's biggest trading hubs, wrought with corruption and shady dealings under the sophisticated veneer. The majority of the Plutocracy are moon elves or humans who speak Yuenhüuian or common.

Sailor's Haven

A pirate safe haven, the Sailor's Haven is ruled by whichever pirate is strongest, in which all others pirates pledge loyalty for protection. They are the bane of the Khtʼehh Wamǔ Ocean, and one of the most wealthy countries on the coast through way of piracy. They are bound by their own specific morals and laws, and boast one of the strongest navies on Aanrah. They are majority humans and Merfolk who speak common or Weg'olw'chyen.


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