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Battle of Gron

The Battle of Gron was a major battle during the Eivurn-Solstein War which is detailed in The Fireborn Invasion as a key moment in the origin story of The Heroes of Borlun.

The Conflict


The Battle of Gron was the second major battle in the Eivurn-Solstein War and the second siege planned for the offensive. Gron was targeted due to, in the knowledge of Eivurn, its cultural value to the Solsteiners though in truth The Fireborn has previously learned of it's role as the grain storage centre for the entire valley.    Before the battle The Heroes of Borlun journeyed to several native clans including; Clan Forsker, Clan Ansigtsløse, Clan Brænde, Clan Varcheg and Clan Død. As a result of these visits the heroes were successful in recruiting the Ansigstlose, Braende and Dod into their offensive but antagonised the Varcheg into their opposition.


The Heroes of Borlun were present in the woods nearby but the armies of the Battle of Gron arrived gradually in staggered forms. Clan Brænde was due to arrive first with a large force of their finest warriors under the leadership of Jarl Lagertha from the east. Next the militia forces and their Fireborn support would arrive under the leadership of Aranck and Archmage Pyros from the south. Due next was the forces of Clan Varcheg from the east under the leadership of Jarl Gothram.

The Engagement

faThe Battle of Gron took place across three fields; Gron, the fields outside of Gron and the land between Gron and the Varcheg hold.   Merric Brownlock led the household guard alongside Ojek into Gron. Easily moving onto the walls the guard was only briefly detected after which the discovering soldiers were promptly assassinated. Merric Brownlock then proceeded through the hold until he reached the central structure and challenged the Captain of Gron Tyr Ruskried to a duel which, using narcotics to his advantage, Merric Brownlock claimed victory in. Following this and events beyond their walls the guards rallied under Oryndur the Raventouched who negotiated for their peaceful departure from Gron without threat of harm.   Kanuna led his squires against the Clan Brænde. Standing in their path to the hold Kanuna demanded Jarl Lagertha face him in a duel but the Jarl initially refused sending a champion in her place. The Tortle easily dispatched the champion before reissuing his challenge. This time Jarl Lagertha agreed to the challenge alongside her Cerberus leading to a pitched battle that Clan Brænde observed with fascination. Kanuna prevailed and proceeded to mediate a transfer of power to Jarl Leif who would soon consolidate his position as the new Jarl of Clan Brænde. The army camped outside Gron before returning home the following evening having never had to battle their foes.    Raz Palatine travelled eastward to meet the Clan Varcheg host. Disguised as the Warchief Skade of Clan Skov the changeling successfully moved amidst the warriors and gained a private audience with their leader Jarl Gothram. After an intimate encounter Raz Palatine assassinated Jarl Gothram in the privacy of their tent. Departing she then was met by an angered Varcheg host. Here she utilised the infiltrating Clan Ansigtsløse faceless men who massacred the host on mass killing all but one fleeing Varcheg sorcerer.


Following the battle The Fireborn commenced their plan and destroyed the grain supplies of Solstein that had been gathered from the farms and stored in Gron to be rationed and distributed amongst the clans during the winter. Without foodstuffs starvation would soon become an issue amongst the clans were it not for a swift intervention by The Heroes of Borlun who rallied their forces and defeated The Fireborn creating a new age of cooperation between Solstein and the lowlands.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Gron Was Captured

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Gron Guardsmen

Led by


80 Gron Guards


Tyr Ruskried


Defend Gron
Eivurn Host

Led by


120 Militiamen 30 Fireborn Mercenaries



Capture Gron
Clan Braende

Led by


200 Braende Clansmen


1 Champion Jarl Lagertha


Destroy Gron
Clan Varcheg

Led by


160 Varcheg Clansmen


159 Varcheg Clansmen Jarl Gothram


Protect Gron
Clan Ansigslose

Led by


140 Faceless Men



Serve the Herald of the Whisperer


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