The Crags

The Crags, a collection of steep cliff islands just off the eastern coastline of King's Crown, are a striking testament to the city's rugged beauty and resourcefulness. These unique islands, accessible via a network of sturdy rope bridges, have earned their reputation as both a gateway and a refuge for those seeking the mysteries hidden within.


The Crags are home to several small communities, each perched precariously on its own rocky outcrop. These domestic houses house individuals who play essential roles in the Crags' operations. Among them are guards who ensure the safety of this remote locale, lighthouse keepers who maintain the beacons guiding ships through treacherous waters, and staff from the Ridgeville tavern who serve the rare travelers passing through.

Standing tall amidst the jagged cliffs, the Watchtower is a sentinel of the Crags. Its lofty position offers panoramic views of the surrounding ocean and King's Crown in the distance. The vigilant guards stationed here keep a watchful eye on the treacherous waters, alert for any potential threats or ships in need of assistance.

At the very tip of the Crags, a resplendent lighthouse stands as a beacon of hope for sailors navigating the perilous waters of the Eastern Sea. This majestic structure, its light visible from miles away, ensures that ships can safely chart their course. Its light is tended to with unwavering dedication by the keepers who reside in the nearby houses, ensuring that it remains a guiding star in the dark expanse of the ocean.


Gareth's Tower serves as a prominent landmark on one of the larger cliff islands within the Crags. To reach this enigmatic abode, travelers must first cross through Ridgeville, a bustling amalgamation of buildings that greet them as they step foot onto the Crags. This humble community, with its tavern, residences, and underground training area, acts as both a point of respite and preparation for those journeying to Gareth's Tower.
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