The Castle District

The Castle District, a world apart from the bustling city below, is a place where prestige and tradition intersect. It is a realm where the elite and the royal reside, their lives guided by centuries of tradition, and their actions shaping the kingdom's destiny. For those fortunate enough to enter, the Castle District offers a glimpse into a world of opulence and exclusivity, guarded by the watchful eye of the Royal Guard.


The Castle District is a land of natural fortifications. To the west and north, the terrain slopes steeply downward, creating a natural buffer against intrusion. To the east, a sheer cliff plummets dramatically into the vast ocean, while to the south, the same precipice overlooks the tranquil river and harbor below.

At the heart of the district, the castle and royal palace loom as a testament to the kingdom's history and power. It serves as the official residence of the monarch and the center of political and royal affairs. The palace's architecture is a marvel, featuring soaring spires and opulent chambers adorned with priceless art and treasures.

Each of the three influential Duke families possesses an opulent estate within the Castle District. These estates are distinguished by their large mansions and expansive yards, where gardens, fountains, and sculpted hedges create idyllic retreats for the nobility. These dukes play a crucial role in the kingdom's governance and are held in high regard by their peers.


To enter the Castle District, one must cross the ornate bridge spanning the river that bisects the city. This bridge is a gateway to both prestige and exclusivity, marking the transition from the city's bustling streets to the realm of royalty. However, passage is restricted, and only those bearing an invitation signed by the Queen of Gilaphos are granted access. The Royal Guard stationed at the bridge ensures that no one without a required permit may pass.
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