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Artificer's Bracket

Engineering Faction

Josh Brooke
The Artificer's Bracket is a faction of mostly Dwarves and Gnomes and is a plethora of inventive and engineering based minds. This faction is a collective who have mastered the ways of the arcane and use it with prime material plane components to create golems, automatons and new up & coming weapons and armor. They mostly work alone in different areas of the realms however will stay in contact with their comrades over great distances.   This faction strives for research and development within engineering and creation, constantly pushing the limits of how far they can go when it comes to arcane tinkering and arms manufacturing. They rarely share their knowledge with others unless they are firm friends.   Beliefs: 1. Push the limits of your craft and strive for innovation. 2. No creation should go unnoticed; If it does, it is not the best it can be. 3. Magic is a tool, use it wisely...& carefully.   Goals: To innovate the realm and enhance already brilliant inventions with the powers of the arcane and to bring betterment to the society's that require it.


1. Grease Monkey 2. Machinist 3. Engineer 4. Inventor 5. Senior Artificer

Public Agenda

To bring about a new age of automatons.

Autonomy. Innovation. Betterment.

Corporation, Research & Development

Neutral Friends

Due to the Bracket's methods of experimentation and research tending to be quite...explosive, means the Harpers don't trust having Artificers come into their places of research as the individuals can be quite dirty and flammable. The Bracket respects the Harpers for their endless supply of previous knowledge of the world, allowing them to research arcane abilities and ancient ways of magic to possibly revitalize their creations with a different approach.

Near-Allied Factions

These two factions are incredibly alike due to the Artificers Bracket essentially being an independent conclave of advanced laborers. This near alliance is only quelled by the Bracket's refusal to join the Union due to certain policies within; preventing any member to independently seek out their own contracts rather than going through the approval of a Union Representative. This is essentially to protect the laborers from unfair large scale deals or ongoing contracts.

Hiring Factions

The Bracket, being of significance and import to the Lord's Alliance due to their arcane ability, meant that they often found themselves being sought after for certain contracts. This means the two factions are on good enough terms however the Bracket is dissuaded at times by the Alliance's need to claim it was themselves who completed the contracts, even though they are fully compensated for their hard work in gold.

Favorable Factions

The Bracket has supplied the Graycrawlers with many different items, weapons and armor and have a long standing contract with them that allow favors to be called in when the Bracket is in danger. The Graycrawlers utilize the arcane items the Bracket provides for all sorts of missions they are hired for (Think Q and 007).

Friendly Factions

These two factions are both known for their arcane knowledge and their applications of it to their work, because of this they have become friendly factions over the recent century or two. The Bracket look up to the PT as masters of their craft and the PT look down to the Bracket as if they are apprentice types, slowly and surely learning and educating themselves via trial and error rather than years of study and research - because of this, there are times when the PT have to keep close eyes on them in case of any unwanted meddling with the weave or shadow weave.


The Battalion and the Bracket do not stand against one another and do not have any need for one another so remain to this day fairly neutral. The Battalion doesn't utilize the Brackets innovative technology as they are prideful warriors who rely on their own strength and might to protect the King.

Neutral Dislike

These two factions are usually not found to be interacting with one another unless necessary. The Artificers Bracket don't lend their understanding to theivery as they believe everything is worked hard to achieve. This being said, the Bracket does hold a contract with the Graycrawlers, even though they are essentially a subsection of the Graycrawlers. The Guild don't really see the Bracket as a faction but more as targets due to their innate sense of creation and innovation they are constantly creating items of worth, that a Guild member might have itchy fingers for.

Neutrality Pact

The Elves of the Spirit Tails and the Dwarves & Gnomes of the Bracket are at odds in the ways that the Elves are known for their divine magic rather than the arcane and the Bracket is vice versa. They are both aware they can out cast each other on different levels and so have a Neutrality Pact to prevent any aggression or violence.

Neutral Disagreement

Though the Artificer's Bracket and the Order of the Gauntlet are similar with their members being Lawful and of similar races, they have their ideological differences. OG tend to the more divine ways and rely heavily on their deities to guide them whereas the Bracket rely heavily on their own knowledge and research to guide them. Both factions tackle the same problem two different ways and are both stubborn enough that they can rarely see how the others solution to the issue can be of advantage over their own. Members are known to have heated discussions about magic and dispute theoretical problems.


The Royal Guard keeps the human cities and towns safe in general, however don't offer full protection and are easily corrupted. The Artificers Bracket know them as a bit of a nuisance as they will sometimes confiscate items from an Artificer's Caravan if they feel it is a threat when actually could simply be a gyroscope for an automaton.

Unfriendly Factions

Due to the Enclave specifically stopping the progression of civilization to protect nature, the Bracket aren't exactly on the best of terms. They don't brawl but will butt heads and argue if their beliefs and goals are brought up in conversation with each other. The Bracket is essentially attempting to revolutionize civilization whereas the enclave is attempting to quell the progression.

Unfriendly Factions

The Artificers Bracket dislike the Zhentarim due to most of their members being of Lawful or Good alignment. The Zhentarim middle dislike the Bracket due to their contract with the Graycrawlers, allowing them access to certain weapons and armor that the Zhentarim could utilize with purpose. The Bracket are constantly refusing contracts with the Zhentarim as they do not want their inventions used for unnecessary evil and chaotic deeds.

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