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Order of the Gauntlet

Holy Faction

Many paladins and clerics of TYR, HELM, TORM, and HOAR have joined the organization, seeing it as—finally!—a way of making common cause against the evils abroad in the world. The Order of the Gauntlet is ready to lash out the moment evil acts, and not a moment before. When evil breaks laws, agreements, or commonly accepted codes of conduct, the Gauntlet strikes hard and fast, without waiting for the blessings of distant temples or the permission of rulers. Evil must be met in the field and smashed, or it will swiftly overcome all.   The Order of the Gauntlet is a dedicated, tightly knit group of like-minded individuals driven by religious zeal or a finely honed sense of justice. Friendship and camaraderie are important to members of the Order of the Gauntlet, and they share a trust and a bond normally reserved for siblings. Like highly motivated soldiers, members of the Order of the Gauntlet seek to become the best at what they do and look forward to testing their mettle. There are few, if any, “lone wolves” in this organization.   Beliefs: 1. Faith is the greatest weapon against evil—faith in one’s god, one’s friends, and one’s self. 2. Battling evil is an extraordinary task that requires extraordinary strength and bravery. 3. Punishing an evil act is just. Punishing an evil thought is not.   Goals: To be armed, vigilant, and ready to smite evil, enforce justice, and enact retribution. This means identifying evil threats such as secretive power groups and inherently evil creatures, watching over them, and being ready to attack the moment they misbehave. (These are always retributive strikes, never preemptive.)


1. Chevall 2. Marcheon 3. Whitehawk 4. Vindicator 5. Righteous Hand

Public Agenda

To be armed, vigilant, and ready to smite evil, enforce justice, and enact retribution. This means identifying evil threats such as secretive power groups and inherently evil creatures, watching over them, and being ready to attack the moment they misbehave. (These are always retributive strikes, never preemptive.)

Faith in one’s God, one’s Friends and one’s Self.

Religious, Holy Order

Allied Factions

These two factions are one and the same expect for their religious beliefs. The OG focus more on their divine intervention and ability to destroy and quell the evil and undead whereas the LA focus more on man made chaos and the threats that present themselves "at the front gate" so to say. Both factions tend to seek each other out when they are in need of assistance.

Allied Factions

The Order of the Gauntlet and the Platinum Templars are incredible friends and will help each other out on their endeavors to the best of their ability. The PT coming along on quests and adventures with the OG if they are in need of an escort, backup or just someone to carry their things. This can include material gathering (something as simple as going on a quest to find a rare mountain flower or certain type of ore from another state).

Friendly Factions

Due to the religious integrity matched within these two factions, they have an incredibly like minded set of beliefs to the point where if an Elven member of the OG is seen by a member of the public or commoner, they may be mistaken for a member of the ST.

Friendly Factions

The Union is the supplier for nearly all armor and weaponry for the Order of the Gauntlet. They are incredibly appreciative and show their thanks by sending representatives around the forge and smithing districts within the cities and towns; healing, restoring and aiding the Union to the best of their ability whilst also sharing in the knowledge of their deities and patrons. The Union is mostly thankful for the restoration and healing as a lot of accidents happen within the laboring districts.

Friendly Factions

Due to the nature of the Emerald Enclave and the Order of the Gauntlet both essentially protecting the realmspace from evil and chaotic deeds and beings, they share beliefs and goals, if worded differently, and strive for a peace among the realms.

Friendly Factions

The Order, being of divine power with their higher individuals, are looked up to by the Royal Guard. They are seen as Holy Warriors who fight for a purpose rather than just for money. The OG sometimes ask for members of the Guard to accompany them if they are in need of help with local quests around the cities and towns however mostly just keep to themselves. The Guard are respected by the Order and they stay polite and humble to them.

Friendly Factions

On a similar wavelength to the Lord's Alliance, the Order of the Gauntlet are friendly with the Battalion. This is because a few members are Nobles themselves and claim some of the reserve to have access to some of the Battalion at any one time. The Battalion is responsive to the higher members of the OG however would most likely be uncooperative if a lower ranked member were to be amongst them.


The Order of the Gauntlet, not needing the Harpers for information due to their members being 'of-the-divine', allowing themselves to tap into their deity's knowledge of the realms, tend to not interact with the Harpers as much as the Harpers would like them too. Due to the OG having this tappable knowledge, the Harpers are known to pester the paladins and clerics for their help in recording this information within texts and scrolls. The OG doesn't take too kindly to this as they view their divine insight to be above the arcane and so should not be questioned, analyzed or recorded as fact.

Neutral Disagreement

Though the Artificer's Bracket and the Order of the Gauntlet are similar with their members being Lawful and of similar races, they have their ideological differences. OG tend to the more divine ways and rely heavily on their deities to guide them whereas the Bracket rely heavily on their own knowledge and research to guide them. Both factions tackle the same problem two different ways and are both stubborn enough that they can rarely see how the others solution to the issue can be of advantage over their own. Members are known to have heated discussions about magic and dispute theoretical problems.

Unfriendly Factions

Much like the relationship between the Guild and the LA, this relationship has the roles reversed. Due to the OG striking down evil wherever it rears its ugly head, it means that the OG dislike the ways that the Guild operate. Basing their entire faction on faith and the divine will of the gods, they see money and illegal activity as an evil the must be kept in check. If ever a member of the OG and the Guild were to meet, the OG would most likely try to have the Guild member arrested.

Brawling Factions

Whilst the Order of the Gauntlet despise the Graycrawlers, they are smart enough to know that killing a member without cause is a death sentence in itself whereas the Graycrawlers know that Divine Power is not to be trifled with. Due to these reasons, these two factions are at odds with one another, they will brawl if encountering one another and most likely end in a stalemate of noone wanting to go too far and kill their opponent.

Enemy factions

These two factions rarely interact due to the divine ways of the Order of the Gauntlet and the more...simplistic ways of the Zhentarim. The OG are intolerant of the Zhentarim due to their encompassing presence in certain towns, allowing them to have a lot of control around The Gentle Vales. Whenever these two factions meet, there is usually some sort of altercation.

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