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Bounty Hunters & Assassins

Josh Brooke
The Graycrawlers are a faction of bounty hunters and assassins. This faction is small and operate as a sub-faction to the Thieves Guild however are not directly related and have their own agenda. They utilize Guild dens and have no true settlements of their own. Each member is a "lone wolf" and will rarely work with anyone else unless absolutely necessary and will usually will be either a silent individual or one who speaks few words.   The Graycrawlers are here to keep power from shifting too drastically in one direction. Whilst they aren't Military-Grade spy level, they tend to keep the local powers in check. They base their entire flow through historic events and individuals meaning; if a person of power is showing signs of becoming or making decisions like a previous "mad, crazed or power hungry" leader, they will take care of the situation. To stay afloat and keep themselves relevant the Graycrawlers also take out bounties that the Royal Guard put out as well as private hire.   Beliefs: 1. Power is subjective. 2. Death is inevitable. 3. There is profit in Death.   Goals: To keep any one leader, ruler, individual from amassing too much power at any one time, outside of their titled position.


1. Private Contractor 2. Bounty Hunter 3. Nimble Watcher 4. Hidden One/Infiltrator 5. Masked Phantom

Public Agenda

To keep civilization from becoming a one sided dictatorship.

A single mortal life is nothing in the progression of Man.

Guild, Assassins

Firm Friends

Both factions operating out of the same dens and having similar goals unites these two in a sort of infamous marriage, mess with the Thieves Guild and you may end up on the sword of a Graycrawler. Utilizing each others resources and respecting each others boundaries, these to factions gatekeep the underbelly of cities and towns.

Favorable Factions

The Bracket has supplied the Graycrawlers with many different items, weapons and armor and have a long standing contract with them that allow favors to be called in when the Bracket is in danger. The Graycrawlers utilize the arcane items the Bracket provides for all sorts of missions they are hired for (Think Q and 007).


No huge differences between these two factions as they both prevent the surges of power that civilization brings about. The Emerald Enclave respect the Graycrawlers intent and do not stand in their way. The Graycrawlers know that the EE and their paths cross occasionally without any disturbances so do not have any significant grudges against the faction.


Whist the Graycrawlers dislike power, they recognize that when it comes to Mystra and the weave, it should be monitored, ideally by an individual who knows enough about it. Because of this, it is why the two factions are neutral to each other. The PT don't disagree with what the Graycrawlers do so do not interfere.

Utility Factions

Both factions know each others main purpose and for this reason they are mostly neutral even if the Harpers disagree with the way the Graycrawlers go about things. They utilize each other when the time is right or needed however the Graycrawlers do keep an eye on them in case of any sort of corrupt or power craving individuals. They are very aware that the power that comes with information and knowledge can lead to its abuse.

Unfriendly Factions

Due to a few deaths of some laborers in the last decade or so, confirmed kills of the Graycrawlers, these two factions aren't the best of friends. Whilst the Graycrawlers consider these deaths 'just another contract' the Union takes it personally and as a betrayal after supplying the Crawlers with weapons and armor previously. Due to these deaths and the considered betrayal, the Graycrawlers now have to acquire most of their gear through the Artificer's Bracket, the Royal Guard OR by simply faking credentials. The Union dont like being taken as fools however due to the nature of some of their members, they usually are just that.

Utility Factions

Due to their incredibly similar goals, minus the power and influence aspect of the Zhentarim, these two factions are known to keep in contact occasionally. The Zhentarim being more 'Mercenary's for hire' and the Graycrawlers being more 'Assassin's for hire'. The Zhentarim respect the Graycrawlers to almost a friendship level whereas the Grawcrawlers dislike the Zhentarim because of their power hungry tendencies.

Unfriendly Factions

The Grawcrawlers are known for their corrupted nature at times and the Spirit Tails are known for their divination and pure intentions. The Graycrawlers are hired assassins whereas the ST are of lawful intent; they want to keep the peace in any way they can (by doing things the elven way).

Brawling Factions

Whilst the Order of the Gauntlet despise the Graycrawlers, they are smart enough to know that killing a member without cause is a death sentence in itself whereas the Graycrawlers know that Divine Power is not to be trifled with. Due to these reasons, these two factions are at odds with one another, they will brawl if encountering one another and most likely end in a stalemate of noone wanting to go too far and kill their opponent.

Aggressive Factions

The Battalion knows about the Graycrawlers being individuals of opportunity and will always try and arrest them if they are discovered. The Graycrawlers, being a faction that in the past have killed nobles and members of the King's Council, dislike the Battalion's diehard attitude to an individual who doesn't represent them.

Unfriendly Factions

The Graycrawlers are known to the Royal Guard and will most likely be arrested should they be discovered however the Guard have hired them in the past to help catch criminals and wrong doers. The Guard will always be on high alert should a member of the Graycrawlers come into their town or city and may even attempt an arrest without probable cause.

Aggressive Factions

The Lord's Alliance is a faction known for its want of power, meaning the Graycrawlers are the ones to help keep them in check alongside the Thieves Guild. The LA want to be able to be the sole contracted  protectors of civilization and be paid handsomely for it as well as soak up the 'fame' that comes with it. The Graycrawlers disagree with this want and need and so the LA are a consistent target for them. If two members were to meet, the LA member would be the one to throw the first punch however both factions are smart enough to mostly just use their words.

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