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Thieves Guild

Covert Faction

Josh Brooke
The Thieves Guild is an organization that has a reach far beyond what the Kingdom of man has ever achieved. This guild is a secretive order of criminals and work within different city's underbellies as well as having dens strategically placed in towns across The Gentle Vales. The main income for this guild is supply runs, surprising with a name like 'The Thieves Guild', whether that be above board or illicit however is not for the low level members to know, plausible deniability and all that jazz.   The function of the Thieves Guild is not only to hire themselves out as accessible contractors but the entire organization helps keep the economy afloat as the direct opposite of the Royal Hierarchy, they share in the wealth and help keep the lower class alive and at least partially full of hope.   Beliefs: 1. Every item is attainable. 2. To only help those who have the coin. 3. Protect those who do not.   Goals: "Where there is Royalty, there we will always be" - A common phrase used by the Guild. Their goals are never inherently clear as they are covert operators however history tells us they range from making a profit to rebuilding society.


1. Jackroller 2. Footpad 3. Brigand 4. Pennyweighter 5. Prigger

Public Agenda

To assist the poor and keep Royalty humble.

We stay buried. We stay relevant.

Secret, Brotherhood

Firm Friends

Both factions operating out of the same dens and having similar goals unites these two in a sort of infamous marriage, mess with the Thieves Guild and you may end up on the sword of a Graycrawler. Utilizing each others resources and respecting each others boundaries, these to factions gatekeep the underbelly of cities and towns.

Friendly Factions

The Thieves Guild is an underground network that helps supply mercenaries and even bandits with black market weaponry. The Union creates this supply of goods, the Guild buys the gear and then sells it on for profit to individual parties. The Union is technically not the ones doing anything illegal so have no issue supplying it to the Guild, it all depends on whether the member of the Union you are talking to respects the need for the military or not.

Utility Pact

The Thieves Guild can easily attain any information that the Harpers possess, obviously without the knowledge of the Harpers. This makes it difficult for the Harpers to trust the Guild as they are a faction of order and going through the right policies to attain such information. The Guild hold no grudges against the Harpers however that cannot be said if the roles are reversed. Most Harpers, if they interact with a Guild member, will be blunt and dismissive.

Neutral Friends

The Thieves Guild tends to operate more within civilization rather than amongst nature which can make it difficult for these two factions to understand each others goals however there is no 'bad blood' between them giving them a neutral friendships and respect for one another.

Neutral Dislike

These two factions are usually not found to be interacting with one another unless necessary. The Artificers Bracket don't lend their understanding to theivery as they believe everything is worked hard to achieve. This being said, the Bracket does hold a contract with the Graycrawlers, even though they are essentially a subsection of the Graycrawlers. The Guild don't really see the Bracket as a faction but more as targets due to their innate sense of creation and innovation they are constantly creating items of worth, that a Guild member might have itchy fingers for.

Necessary Allies

The Zhentarim and the Guild don't agree on much other than the need for society to keep running for their factions to survive. The guild relies on them for support on some contracts as a necessary show of strength and the Zhentarim relies on the guild for covertly attaining certain items that will help them in their endeavors as well as the spread of misinformation. The guild sees this faction as bullies who pay and beat their way through their goals.

Unfriendly Factions

Due to the Thieves Guild having stolen an artifact of importance to Prof. Amazz a few years ago and selling it on to a noble for a profit, their relationship between factions has decreased somewhat since. The PT dislike theives for this very reason as they see it as petty crime, profiting where others cannot and on the flip side the Guild sees the PT as individuals who have too many material things for what they do.

Unfriendly Factions

The Guild are notorious for their lack of empathy when it comes to other deity's followings and worship which is why these organizations don't get along. The ST wanting nothing more than to protect their own and gain following to their current holy leader, the Silver Queen, and the Guild wanting nothing more than to keep the underclass from being exploited means that the ST can occasionally try and make arrests within the Guild.

Unfriendly Factions

Much like the relationship between the Guild and the LA, this relationship has the roles reversed. Due to the OG striking down evil wherever it rears its ugly head, it means that the OG dislike the ways that the Guild operate. Basing their entire faction on faith and the divine will of the gods, they see money and illegal activity as an evil the must be kept in check. If ever a member of the OG and the Guild were to meet, the OG would most likely try to have the Guild member arrested.

Unfriendly Factions

Much like the Royal Guard, the Battalion stands for nothing when it comes to law breakers, making it incredibly difficult for the Thieves Guild to operate within Gloomacre. There have been times when the Battalion have been assigned to remove the Guild's presence from the city and there have also been times where the Guild have stolen from the Battalion. If any two members were to meet, it would result in the Battalion member arresting the Guild member.

Brawling Factions

Despite the Alliance being in it for the 'fame' and good deeds, the Guild doesn't agree with their methods. Any wealth that the LA can acquire by doing the lawful thing, they will whereas the Guild will always share the wealth they collect with other members equally. The Guild have stolen items and artifacts from the LA previous due to their Faction becoming too wealthy during the years of the Lycanthropes. The Guild keeps the Alliance in check and from becoming too big for their boots.

Aggressive Factions

Whilst not openly aggressive to one another, these two factions are known to hate one another. If you are a member of the Guard, you are filth to the Guild and vice versa. The Guild are known to start fights and cars chaos within cities and towns and the Guard are known to be needlessly aggressive and violent with them if making an arrest. The Guard, standing for the upkeep of the law and the Guild standing against the oppression of the lower classes - doesn't make a good mix.

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