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The Black Network

The Zhentarim seeks to become omnipresent and inescapable, more wealthy and powerful, and most importantly, untouchable. The public face of the organization appears much more benign, offering the best mercenaries money can buy. When a merchant needs an escort for his caravan, when a noble needs bodyguards to protect her holdings, or when a city needs trained soldiers to defend its honor, the Zhentarim provides the best-trained fighting men and women money can buy. However, the cost of doing business with the 'Black Network' can be high. The Black Network wants to make it necessary—and preferable, even—to deal with its members. It wants to secure, over time, an iron-fisted monopoly. Members must be the best—the cheapest, the fastest, and the most secure—at providing services and goods both legal and illicit, willing to lose coin if it means destroying a competitor, and securing profits from everyone they deal with, except when to do so would work against the Black Network's ultimate goal: to make everyone dependent on it.   A member of the Zhentarim thinks of himself or herself as a member of a very large family and relies on the Black Network for resources and security. However, members are granted enough autonomy to pursue their own interests and gain some measure of personal power or influence.   Beliefs: 1. The Zhentarim is your family. You watch out for it, and it watches out for you. 2. You are the master of your own destiny. Never be less than what you deserve to be. 3. Everything—and everyone—has a price.   Goals: To amass wealth, power, and influence.


1. Fang 2. Wolf 3. Viper 4. Ardragon 5. Dread Lord

Public Agenda

"You are the master of your own destiny. Never be less than what you deserve to be."

Wealth. Power. Influence.

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
The Black Network

Friendly Factions

Due to the nature of the Zhentarim and the Laborers Union being both aspects of the lower tiers of society (Overtly), they are friends and will help each other out in certain situation should they arise. The Union being suppliers of weaponry, armor and items means the Zhentarim have their contracts in certain areas of the realm with them and in dire times of need when the Union may be threatened or have another faction perhaps showing a little too much aggression, the Zhentarim are known to intimidate and stop any threatening behavior from opposing factions.

Utility Factions

Whilst the Zhentarim have no use for the PT they recognize they are a faction of immense power and hold within the realm. The PT also recognize the Zhentarim almost as a 'necessary evil' that amass and lose power and influence as often as the weather changes. When the Order of the Gauntlet won't help with a quest or certain task that the PT need completing due to the aligning nature of the task then the Zhentarim is used to get the job done, even if the PT dislike the members views and beliefs.   The PT are aware that this opposing faction utilizes the evil gods and keeps a very close eye on them. "Keeps your friends close but your enemies closer".

Neutral Dislike

The Royal Guard dislike the Zhentarim due to their inescapable god complex and up themself members. The Zhentarim are paid handsomely for their private contracts with the King whereas the Guard are paid in peanuts comparatively. The Zhentarim seek to replace the Royal Guard with their own soldiers and members however the King knows this is what would increase their reputation and influence. They don't come to blows however will maybe mock each other if they were to meet.

Neutral Dislike

Whilst the Zhentarim know their goals are to encompass every possible sector of Civilization when it comes to contractors and private security, they know that the Battalion is something that will never be attainable without a revolution or death of the monarchy. The Battalion know this too and will look down upon the Zhentarim - one of the few, if not the only faction that can.

Necessary Allies

The Zhentarim and the Guild don't agree on much other than the need for society to keep running for their factions to survive. The guild relies on them for support on some contracts as a necessary show of strength and the Zhentarim relies on the guild for covertly attaining certain items that will help them in their endeavors as well as the spread of misinformation. The guild sees this faction as bullies who pay and beat their way through their goals.

Utility Factions

Due to their incredibly similar goals, minus the power and influence aspect of the Zhentarim, these two factions are known to keep in contact occasionally. The Zhentarim being more 'Mercenary's for hire' and the Graycrawlers being more 'Assassin's for hire'. The Zhentarim respect the Graycrawlers to almost a friendship level whereas the Grawcrawlers dislike the Zhentarim because of their power hungry tendencies.

Unfriendly Factions

The Zhentarim hold little to no power within the DoL due to the presence of the pure Elven races and sub races stamping out the majority of the corrupted and chaotic beings within their region. The Spirit Tails will come to blows with the Zhentarim if they ever meet and have a tight security against their ways entering the DoL's borders and surrounding areas.


Though some members of the Harpers dislike and are reluctant to be helpful to the members of the Zhentarim they are completely neutral to them, understanding where their want for power comes from however not seeing how they refuse to share it outside the walls of their guild. The Zhentarim members only really rely on the Harpers for their access to information, if the Harpers don't have it they don't bother with them.

Unfriendly Factions

The Artificers Bracket dislike the Zhentarim due to most of their members being of Lawful or Good alignment. The Zhentarim middle dislike the Bracket due to their contract with the Graycrawlers, allowing them access to certain weapons and armor that the Zhentarim could utilize with purpose. The Bracket are constantly refusing contracts with the Zhentarim as they do not want their inventions used for unnecessary evil and chaotic deeds.

Unfriendly Factions

The Emerald Enclave stands against the Zhentarim due to their want and desire for power. The Zhentarim dislikes the Emerald Enclave because they are a competitive faction, even though they stand for different goals and ideals.

Aggressive Factions

The Lord's Alliance are seen by the Zhentarim as a faction that is trying to undermine their own doings. Which is why only one of these factions if at all can be found in a location at any one time. The Lord's Alliance want the 'fame' whereas the Zhentarim want the 'infamous' side of fame.

Enemy factions

These two factions rarely interact due to the divine ways of the Order of the Gauntlet and the more...simplistic ways of the Zhentarim. The OG are intolerant of the Zhentarim due to their encompassing presence in certain towns, allowing them to have a lot of control around The Gentle Vales. Whenever these two factions meet, there is usually some sort of altercation.

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