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The Tiefling Wild Magic Sorcerer

Yuxori Inilith Quloth (a.k.a. Harmony)

Harmony is a fiery tiefling woman who was thrust into the adventuring life after a magical accident separated her from her tribe. She is one of the founding members of the Antiheroes and is known for her magical prowess and mischievous nature.

Physical Description

Body Features

  • Magenta skin
  • Small ram's horns that curl toward her back
  • Long, pointed devil's tail

Facial Features

  • Silver eyes with no visible sclera or pupil
  • Sharply-pointed canine teeth

Physical quirks

  • Tail flicks back and forth with her mood like a cat's
  • Has the shadow of a much larger creature: a pit fiend named Vyltar
  • Her reflection does not appear in mirrors, still water, or other reflective surfaces

Special abilities

  • Wild Magic

Specialized Equipment

  • Chaos Amulet
  • Robe of the Arch Magi
  • Ring of Telekinesis
  • Ruby of Sending
  • Wand of Magic Detection
  • Earrings of Whispers

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the 80 years following the Exodus of the Tieflings, the raw magic that Mother Aegis possessed was passed down through her bloodline. Her daughter and her daughter's daughter went on to become the next leaders of our tribe, but their at times chaotic magic became a source of fear rather than comfort—whispers of dissent echoed from the shadows.   Everything changed when Harmony overheard whispers concerning her own raw magic. She knew she had to prove herself if she was to follow in her mother's footsteps and become the next chief. So she gathered a couple of her friends, Radiance and Tenacity, and set out to prove that she could control the chaotic magic she had inherited from her mother.   Unfortunately, all she managed to prove was that her magic was in control of her.   Harmony and her peers encountered a terrible allosaurus greater than any beast they'd ever seen. It was an intense battle, but as Harmony raised her arms to deliver the final blow, an unbearable heat consumed her, and the world went dark. She awoke some time later in an unfamiliar meadow. There was no sign of Radiance or Tenacity, nor of the great lizard—she was alone.   Days of wandering brought her to the outskirts of Ravenmoor, where a young orphan named Tal helped her get back on her feet. She didn't know what happened to her friends nor where her tribe had gone, but she didn't care. Until she learned to control her magic, she knew she was a danger to those around her. She vowed not to return to the tribe until she and her magic were in harmony.

Gender Identity


Accomplishments & Achievements

As a member of the Antiheroes, Harmony had a hand in taking down the Eyes of the World and restoring peace to the Elderhaven Reaches. Years later, she journeyed into the Nine Hells, overcame Malagard once and for all, and gained control over her chaotic magic.   In what was perhaps her most notable achievement, she was the one responsible for banishing Nasheein to the Far Realms after the moon exploded. After this, she retired to Redwater, where she built a tower and opened a magic item shop called Wild Magicks.

Intellectual Characteristics

Skilled with Arcana

Morality & Philosophy

Harmony values freedom over everything. She believes everyone should be free to live the life they want to live and that no one has the right to interfere with that. When it comes to morality, she isn't afraid to break the rules if that means helping people break their bonds.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Flaw: There's no room for caution in a life lived to its fullest.


Contacts & Relations

  • Hunter/Xant—Fellow member of the Antiheroes. She's known him the longest. Sees him as an older brother/father figure. Trusts him implicitly.
  • Thaddeus—Fellow member of the Antiheroes. They don't see eye-to-eye on most things, but they complement each other well. She'd never admit it, but she respects him quite a bit.
  • Mara—Fellow member of the Antiheroes. Her favorite partner-in-crime. Harmony knows that any scheme hatched by Mara is one worth investing in. She never wants their shenanigans to end.
  • Siaal—Magical shopkeep and her mentor/friend who is secretly a fiend in disguise. Taught her potion-making and enchanting. They are now business partners.
  • Moloch—Imp who was summoned to her through her Wild Magic. Agreed to help her as long as she helps him take out Mother Midnight. She gave him magical power via the Orb of Power Transference. He was transformed into an ancient red dragon to save him from a deal struck between Thaddeus and Glasya.
  • Radiance—Best friend. Went missing after Harmony's magic caused them to be separated from the tribe. Found with the orcs and sent back to the tribe. Sent the Raven Queen⁣'s memory to her for protection.
  • Tenacity—Former friend. Found her way back to the tribe after Harmony's magic caused them to be separated from them. Led the campaign to depose Mother Valiance⁣ as leader.

Family Ties

  • Eli—Half-angel high priest of Melora, and the love of Harmony's life. They live together as husband and wife in Redwater.
  • Elise Faith Quloth—Harmony and Eli's daughter and inheritor of Harmony's wild magic.
  • Valiance (Mother)
  • Mother Devotion (Grandmother)
  • Mother Aegis (Great-Grandmother, deceased)

Social Aptitude

Persuasive, sometimes intimidating. Confident, Straightforward.


Loud, unrestrained, swears fluently.



Wife (Vital)

Towards Eli




Husband (Vital)

Towards Harmony




Harmony first met Eli when she and the Antiheroes arrived in Redwater. They bonded especially when, toward the end of the battle under Melora's temple, Harmony fell off the edge of the shrine, Eli dove after her to save her, and together they plummeted into the underdark deep beneath Redwater.   Harmony helped Eli with his burgeoning magic, and Eli became a source of peace and comfort for Harmony. In the five years after Orochi's defeat in the Elderhaven Reaches, Harmony went to live with Eli in Redwater, until her mother Valiance's arrival forced her back into action.   They parted ways on the eve of the Antiheroes' journey to the Nine Hells, but not before Harmony shared her most closely-guarded secret with him: her true name. Eli sent her with a blue feather that gave her the ability to summon him for a short time when she needed him most. His aid was crucial to their victory against Malagard.   When Harmony returned, she retired permanently to Redwater to be with Eli. Though they were never officially married, they made their vows in private to share their lives together. If asked about their wedding, Harmony would leap to weave a new, fantastic falsehood about their extravagant ceremony. In 7,519 they have a daughter and name her after Eli's mother.

Shared Secrets

Eli knows Harmony's true name.

Shared Acquaintances

Thaddeus, Mara, Xant


Friend and Mentor (Important)

Towards Harmony




Friend and Student (Important)

Towards Siaal




Siaal met Harmony when the Antiheroes first left Ravenmoor and arrived in Northwood, where one of Siaal's Alen'dal-based branch shops is located. Siaal was impressed by Harmony's raw talent and agreed to give her some training in enchanting and alchemy before the antiheroes left town.   Later, when the antiheroes arrived in Ferindel, Siaal asked the antiheroes to look into the circumstances surrounding the death of their fellow wizards, the Assembly of Eight, as well as ensure the safety of their friend Helja Ironshield. Siaal came to see Harmony as a reliable ally, but when Harmony discovered their true fiendish nature, Siaal retreated back to Sigil.   They continued to help the antiheroes in minor capacities from afar until the antiheroes visited Sigil. They have been an active ally of the antiheroes ever since.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Magic, enchanting, alchemy, and shiny things


Mother (Vital)

Towards Harmony




Daughter (Vital)

Towards Valiance




Valiance raised Harmony and taught her the basics of magic, but their relationship is rocky at best. When Harmony left the tribe, Valiance left too, and the pair were only reunited when Valiance was forced to seek out Harmony to find a solution to a problem she was having. Now the pair live whole planes apart, since Valiance has found a new place for herself among the ranks of The Transcendent Order in Sigil.

Nicknames & Petnames

When alone together, Valiance calls Harmony by her true name.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Wild Magic

Shared Secrets

Harmony and Valiance know each other's true names, but they keep them closely guarded.

Shared Acquaintances

Radiance, Tenacity

Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
7489 50 Years old
Eli (Husband)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 6" (originally 5' 7" fluctuates)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Infernal
First Appearance
All Rooms Have Doors (C1:E1)

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