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History of Amaltheon

A history of key moments from the past 37 years upon Amaltheon

  • 0

    1 Snowmelt

    The First arrive on Amaltheon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Lady of Life welcomed The First to Amaltheon, and guided them out of the Glimmering Grotto, where they were free to travel the world of Amaltheon

  • 0

    2 Snowmelt

    The founding of Dawnbank
    Construction beginning/end

    The First settle the land that would come to be known as Dawnbank, the first settlement that almost all Wanderer souls would first interact within upon arriving in Amaltheon

  • 0

    11 Highsun

    The Ascension of Alithea
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Magic bursts into the world, as the first mortal to ascend to divinity reveals herself to the world as Alithea, of Spell Weaving.

  • 1 PW

    17 Rainmoot

    First born Native Soul
    Life, Birth

    On this day, in Dawnbank, the first know Native Soul, Lumi Smith, was born.

  • 2 PW

    1 Snowmelt

    New Wanderer Souls arrive
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Lady of Life welcomes another large group of Wanderer Souls to Amaltheon, as the First scramble to house and integrate them all.

  • 2 PW

    4 Rainmoot

    The construction of Firstport
    Construction beginning/end

    Due to the overpopulation of Dawnbank, the First and the new Wanderer Souls team up to create a new town, that would come to be known as Firstport.

  • 2 PW

    17 Lowsun

    The Ascension of Hopstopple
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Nature blossoms and blooms as a new type of magic is created, as Hopstopple, the Tree Tickler, ascends to divinity.

  • 4 PW

    5 Snowmelt

    Another group of Wanderer Souls arrive
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After two years of quiet living, the Lady of Life welcomes another large group of Wanderer Souls to Amaltheon, but this time, everyone is prepared and the transition goes smoother. This trend of smaller and less frequent groups of Wanderer Souls would continue until 13 PW.

  • 5 PW

    4 Highsun

    First recorded case of The Pining
    Plague / Epidemic

    Palmer Zilemen begins erratic behaviour in Dawnbank, and exposes the world of Amaltheon to the the first known case of The Pining

  • 7 PW

    26 Snowmoot

    The founding of Oakenfield
    Construction beginning/end

    Farmers from Dawnbank and Firstport move south to an open piece of land, from which they can grow the food required to help feed the people of the western continent.

  • 8 PW

    22 Rainmoot

    The Ascension of Cyril
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Coins appear in the pockets of all the residents of Amaltheon, currency has been created by the new god, Cyril, the Coin Master.

  • 8 PW

    28 Rainmoot

    The Ascension of Thadron
    Celestial / Cosmic

    People all across Amaltheon feel a dark shiver, as the god who attempted to steal divinity from Cyril is granted godhood, as Thadron, of Cursed Greed, ascends into divinity.

  • 9 PW

    17 Firesmoot

    The construction of Bizat Onnon
    Construction beginning/end

    After amassing a large wealth from crafting the finest magical materials in the land, Agnack Steelhand begins construction on the town of Bizat Onnon, and begins his bid for ascension.

    Bizat Onnon
  • 10 PW

    22 Fireswane
    10 PW

    3 Lowsun

    The outbreak of The Pining
    Plague / Epidemic

    A major outbreak of The Pining occurs in both Dawnbank and Firstport, leading to a mass migration of the ill, down into the Rolling Wastes to the south.

  • 10 PW

    37 Lowsun

    The founding of Scorchton
    Construction beginning/end

    After the mass migration of those who suffered with The Pining, they establish a camp in the Rolling Wastes, that would later becoming a small tribal town.

  • 12 PW

    24 Highsun

    The Ascension of Merellien
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Feint visions appear in the minds of the Wanderer Souls of Amaltheon, and Elves find themselves no longer needing to sleep, as Merellien, of Fixed Memory, ascends into divinity.

  • 13 PW

    3 Snowmelt

    The Last Group of Wanderer Souls Arrive
    Life, Birth

    With the time between groups of Wanderer Souls arriving growing larger, and the groups growing smaller, this group only containing 40 Wanderer Souls and being 3 years after the previous, this would mark the last arrival of a Wanderer Soul until almost 20 years later.

  • 13 PW

    6 Rainmoot

    The founding of Lyth Radh
    Construction beginning/end

    After being granted the ability to enter trances, many elves take a short journey into the dense woods south of Firstport and create Lyth Radh, a village that attempts to live in harmony with nature.

    Lyth Radh
  • 15 PW

    2 Snowmoot

    The Ascension of Agnack
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The magic in the world is now easier to channel into conduit items, craftsmen's tools are repaired and a new god ascends, Agnack, the Prosperous

  • 16 PW

    21 Firesmoot

    The foundation of Halag's Mond
    Construction beginning/end

    After the ascension of Agnack, the prosperous, the new god calls upon the craftsmen of Amaltheon to travel to a small island to the east, where they will begin construction on a city in his worship.

    Halag's Mond
  • 19 PW

    27 Rainmoot

    The Birth of Juniper Feldman
    Life, Birth

    On this day in Oakenfield, a human native soul that would eventually carry great importance is born, Juniper Feldman

    Feldman Farm
  • 21 PW

    13 Highsun

    The Ascension of Cimthir
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lightning crackles through the sky, as the biggest storm Amaltheon has ever faced begins, created by the new god, Cimthir, of Great Might

  • 21 PW

    17 Highsun

    The Ascension of Kavir
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the storm of Cimthir rages on, a hero steps up to defend the land. The storm calms and from the broken clouds, a new god emerges, Kavir, the Stalwart.

  • 21 PW

    19 Highsun

    The Restoration of Firstport
    Construction beginning/end

    After being the settlement to sustain the most damage during Cimthir's first storm, and bolstered by the protection of Kavir, the people of Firstport build back bigger and better, creating a thriving town for all to come and visit.

  • 30 PW

    41 Snowmoot

    The Ascension of Enxa
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the lands to the east, Enxa finally completes her ritual of Ascension and covers those who require hiding from sight.

  • 33 PW

    3 Snowmelt

    A New Wanderer Soul - Heothun
    Life, Birth

    For the first time in just over 20 years, a single person emerges from the Glimmering Grotto, a human man named Heothun, who is found by members of the Church of Dawn and inducted into their ranks.

  • 34 PW

    7 Firesmoot

    A New Wanderer Soul - Ruben
    Life, Birth

    For the second year in a row, a single Wanderer Soul emerges from the Glimmering Grotto. Strangely, this Wanderer is not met by any at the Grotto, and does not wander down to Dawnbank, instead being found a few days later studying flowers in the nearby woods.

  • 35 PW

    10 Rainmoot

    A New Wanderer Soul - Cameo
    Life, Birth

    For the third year in a row, a single Wanderer Soul emerges from the Glimmering Grotto where they stumble across a performing troupe practising for a play, and it is here that they are immediately inducted into the Silvery Bards.

  • 35 PW

    7 Lowsun

    The Ascension of Bagra
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After a long expedition, the Church of Dawn announce to the public, that one of their own, now known as Bagra, the patient, has ascended to divinity.

  • 36 PW

    1 Snowmelt

    A New Wanderer Soul - Maeralya
    Life, Birth

    For the fourth year in a row, a single Wander Soul emerges from the and trudges through the snow down towards Dawnbank, where they are escorted down to the village of Lyth Radh to learn the ways of their people.

  • 37 PW

    12 Rainmoot

    The Start of - Adventures in Amaltheon

    On this date, in the Glimmering Grotto, five soon-to-be notable figures from all across Amaltheon meet for the first time, following visions from Merellien, of Fixed Memory. A new adventure begins...