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The Moonstar Family

Still a young family, the Moonstars are closely related to the Riverwoods, given the Dark Swamps as a gift for helping overthrow the Allisters. Many consider the swamps to be the dregs of the Tera'tun lands, and consider Wilhelm to have gotten screwed as far as having a land. Still, the lord has worked tirelessly to improve his land and the lives of those within it. The family can at times be more than a little cold, often holding to the word of the law rather than a true moral compass.


Like most of the royal families, the Moonstar leadership goes to the oldest surviving son. If there was no male heir, it would then pass to the nearest male relative.


Life in the Dark Swamps is hard. Even clean water is something difficult to come by, and it's custom for all to carry a jug or waterskin when outside the house. The swamps are magical and wonderful yet also dangerous and wild. Many druids like life here and those who appreciate nature. Still, the people have come to like their home and prefer it to a huge expensive city.

Public Agenda

The Moonstars are outwardly cold and tend not to be overly involved in the business of other families. Because of this they are often liked or disliked by other families, and hold to their choices with a determination to be admired.


Lord Wilhelm (2642): Lord Wilhelm was only a young man of 16 when he rode with the young Lord Earnest Riverwood to help his friend get revenge on the Allisters for the murder of the Lord Riverwood’s father and brother. As a gift for Wilhelm’s bravery, Lord Earnest gifted him the Dark Swamps and made him a High Lord, bringing the Moonstar family to a height it had never known.   Wilhelm is a good-hearted and determined man, if a bit straightforward and simple at times. His family has spread rapidly as the demand for more and more work has called for people he can trust throughout his lands. His wife, Pansy, has also asked that the girls in their family be given flower names, in the hope that the world will think of them as beautiful, despite coming from the Dark Swamps.

Payment in Blood

Founding Date
Bastards go by Helm


The Stonebreakers have long held a respect for the Moonstars efforts to uphold an equal law, while the Moonstars are very impressed by the skill of the Stonebreaker soldiers.

Strength/Trial by Blood

While the Ofelds respect the strength and dedication of the Moonstars, the humans greatly dislike the Orcs' law of trail by blood, thinking it as barbaric and outdated.


While the Moonstars don't much care for the Whitehills, thinking them primitive and violent, the dragonborn appreciate the care the Moonstars show for their people.

The Dead/The Law

The Moonstars appreciate the job the Collwells do for the deceased and the Collwells hold the Moonstars in very high regard due to their determination to preserve the law, instead of operating morally.


The Moonstars dislike the Underborne for their strange and possibly illegal and immoral magic practices.

The Fox Queen

Despite their previous appreciation, the families have come to odds over their disagreements regarding the new Fox Queen. The Moonstars view her as a tyrant and murderer who stole the Silver Chair while the Eviers consider her a legitimate ruler and are content to do business with her.


The Moonstars and Doxy are cut from two very different cloths. Due to the high demand the Moonstars place on laws and regulations, they think of the Doxys are reckless and foolish. Meanwhile the Doxys find them to be annoying and far too uptight to really deal with.

Old Relations

Despite the previous respect Lord Wilhelm held for the Riverwoods, he feels that the Fox Queen is and evil being and refuses to bend the knee. His biggest saving grace is that she feels he is too trivial to bother with.

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