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The Collwell Family

Founded on the principle of isolation and invention, the Lost Islands were never given much consideration until the a little way into the Collwell's founding as a family. After The Disaster, they claimed the responsibility of handling the mass amount of the dead in Tera'tun so that they couldn't be revived or made into necromantic puppets. As such, the Collwells have held a massive responsibility for several hundred years in the kingdom. They often come off as a little odd, perhaps even disturbing to those who are more socially practiced. Still, their determination and effectiveness cannot be denied. They are also fairly progressive in their successorship, both allowing a lady to lead their house several times and allowing bastards to own properties and businesses with no issue. They are also fairly famous due to their odd guard forces, who wear white masks and speak with their hands instead of their mouths.


The Collwells do not practice either the rights of the oldest male heir, nor indeed ruling until death. Rather when the eldest child reaches the age of thirty, the child assumes leadership. The exceptions of course being if no heirs are produced, or if the lord or lady dies before the child reaches thirty.


The Collwells live relatively withdrawn lives, believing in duty and invention far above pleasure or enjoyment. While laughter and art are not discouraged, it is heavily understood that your job and duty to the land as a whole comes first. Dishonor or failure can lead to you being cast out or ignored by the rest of the land as a whole.

Public Agenda

The Collwells have long-since been responsible to laying the dead of the country to rest. They provide several different funeral options so as to appease the beliefs of the deceased as best they can, while still ensuring that the bodies are not put under a necromantic practice. Nevertheless this has put them at odds with select groups, most notably the dwarves of the Rage of the Gods.


The Lost Island host not only the largest dealing in anti-necromancy magics, but several higher-end mechanical weaponry and transport in Tera'tun, and as such are often employed by both the crown, and the Eviers.


Eza Collwell, a Vedalken, founded the family in 1322 at the age of 20, and ruled until 1572. She married Walter the Just in 1542 and had several children by him: Alexander the Human, Jennifer the Human, Kia the Human, Quill the Vedalken, and Zera the Human. Walter passed away in 1601. She also had two children by Luta the Elf: Regga the Vedalken and Fenran the Elf. Luta left the Lost Islands in 1721 and died in 1822. While she date Gur'latal the Githzerai, they bore no children and Lady Eza died in 1832.   Lord Alexander took the seat in 1574 at 30, and ruled until 1621. He took Variden the Elf as his wife in 1580, and they had twin children together: Ala’keen and Ela’keen, both half-elves.   After her brother renounced his claim, Lady Ela’keen took the seat in 1621 after her father's death, though she was only 21. she ruled until 1723. She married Carter the Human in 1672 and they gave birth to Di’duna and Cilla’lal, both half-elves. She died in 1723.   Lord Di’duna was given the seat in 1723 at the age of 20, and ruled until his death in 1833. As part of a treaty he married Xia’long the Firbolg and they had two children: Ula’ka and Runatall, both Firbolgs. He died in 1837.   Lady Ula’ka saw the seat in 1833 at the age of 30. She ruled until her death in 2321. She married the tortle Queg, but never produced any legitimate heirs.   Lord Delnis was granted the seat in 2321 at the age of 126. He ruled until his death in 2389. He married the Githzerai, Orina, and they had three Githzerai children: Ashelya, Liral and Nugur.   Lady Ashelya saw the seat in 2389 at the age of 25, and ruled until her death in 2466. She never married and left no heirs.   Lord Hilton was given the seat in 2466 at the age of 56 and ruled until 2542. He had married the Genasi Char, and left three children: Grime, Ocean and Hiss, all Genasi. He died in 2592.   Lord Grime took the seat in 2542 at the age of and ruled until his death in 2672. While he never married, he was taken with his niece and named her as his heir.   Lady Evelyn was given power in 2672 at the age of only 3. She has no married nor born heirs.

All On the Wind

Founding Date
1322 FM
Alternative Names
The White Watchers, The Birds
Bastards go by Wing

The Dead/Law

The Collwells and Riverwoods have often gotten on well, due to both of them abiding to their respective duties and fulfilling their jobs fairly well, allowing the country they both share to function well.


The Doxys owe the Collwells a debt of gratitude in helping them build up their ships that they use to explore the oceans. As such, they tend to keep an eye out for any dangers that might be lurking beneath the waves.


The Whitehills hold a deep respect of magic, and therefore are interested in the Collwell, though the Collwells think of the scaled family as violent and careless.

The Dead/Distrust

While the Northalls show a respect for what the Collwells do, the Collwells find the birds unsettling and have often expressed a desire not to work with them.

The Dead/Law

The Lights hold a respect for the Collwells, given the impossible task of preventing another necrotic takeover, and the Collwells have gained a great appreciation for the Lichts' recent approach to the law, being that they do not allow emotion or money to cloud their judgement.

The Dead/Trial by Blood

While the Ofelds admire the Collwell's duties, the Collwells despise the orcs for their barbaric attitudes towards life, often causing what the family considers to be needless deaths.


Being born of magic the Gasters stuck up a mutual partnership with the Collwells, who are deeply interested in the idea of blood born magics, hoping to use them to possibly eliminate the possibility of necromantic practices in Tera'tun. As such, they often communicate or visit, despite living on opposite sides of the kingdom.

The Dead/The Law

The Moonstars appreciate the job the Collwells do for the deceased and the Collwells hold the Moonstars in very high regard due to their determination to preserve the law, instead of operating morally.

The Treatment of the Dead

The Eviers hold an interest for the Collwells, fascinated by their practices that keep the dead from rising and their dedication to the art.   The Collwells are sometimes angry with the Eviers for their refusal to assist with the costs of funeral services for those who cannot afford to pay. The Eviers have historically refused to offer money to help cover these costs despite being amongst the wealthiest of the families.


While the Underborne have shown some interest in the magics used by the Collwells, the Collwells dislike the Underborne for their rumored undeath and perversion of life.


The Collwells hold a great anger with the Tàlmas due to their alleged work with vampires.

The Dead

Being somewhat older in their thoughts, the Hopes don't like the idea of gathering all the dead in one place, believing it to be disrespectful to the dead who wish to remain by the family. However, this has never led to any real issue between the families.

The Dead/Violence

Due to the beliefs of the Stormbreakers, mostly that their dead should burn in the lava of the volcano, they hate the Collwells for breaking the traditions and damning the souls of their dead. The Collwells think the Stonebreakers are foolish and too prone to cause unnecessarily death.

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