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The Ofeld Family

Hard and born for battle, the Orcs of House Ofeld are no strangers to fighting. While they are relatively caring for orcs, they are still orcs, and thus hold to much boasting and battling in order to handle their lands. Many dislike their customs, such as the trail by blood or duel to the death, but it has long been an accepted custom by the locals.


No one is entirely sure as to the line of succession the Northern Family follows, as they so rarely see a leader die without it being a revolt of power.


The Frozen Wastes are very difficult to travel through, due to both the extreme cold, the snowy ground, and the scarcity of reliable food. As a such, it is considered kind to offer travelers the chance to warm up by a fire or a warm drink if the weather is particularly bad. It creates and odd contrast where they care for one another one day, and might kill each other the next.

Public Agenda

Publicly the Ofelds handle much of the business in the north, such as the underground caverns found in the wastes, or ships traveling from Solis to places like Gallat.


Lord Maknak took power in 2669 at the age of 26. His mate is Shelur the Orc and they've had three Orc children: Turge, Ugak, and Yama.

Victory or Death

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Brutes
Bastards go by Claw


The Ofelds and Whitehills have a mutual appreciation due to their respects of strength and battle in both cultures.

Strength and Compassion

The Ofelds and Hopes have found common ground and respect one another in that they both respect the other's ability in battle and the fact that they still show a care for those who live under them.

Strength/Trial by Blood

While the Ofelds respect the strength and dedication of the Moonstars, the humans greatly dislike the Orcs' law of trail by blood, thinking it as barbaric and outdated.

The Dead/Trial by Blood

While the Ofelds admire the Collwell's duties, the Collwells despise the orcs for their barbaric attitudes towards life, often causing what the family considers to be needless deaths.


The Ofelds, holding a long-standing fear of magic, greatly fear and distrust the Underborne.


Being that the Ofelds are extremely distrustful of magic, they have a fear of the Gasters, who live in a particularly magical way.


The Stonebreakers view the Ofeld orcs as primitive and undignified fighters, yet despite this, the Ofelds respect the battle skill of the Stonebreakers.

Trial by Blood/Strength

While the Ofelds respect the strength of the Riverwood family, the Riverwoods are greatly bothered and disturbed by the Trial of Blood the orcs use as a legal system.

Lord does not fight

The Ofelds have a strong dislike of Aries Evier, as they seem him as a cowardly man who hides behind his soldiers, rather than a fighter himself.

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