The Pavilion

The Pavilion is the main trade grounds and marketplace for traveling merchants in the capital city Endor, the First Mountain, in the Kingdom of Endor.


The Pavilion sits at the crossroads of the two major roadways on the first level of the city of Endor, the Ekrund Zorn, the Level of Stairways. It is a huge marketplace where vendors sell their wares. Though there are a few permanent shops built into the supporting columns or walls of the area, most are stands, carts, and pop-ups from every merchant and clan in Endor. Clan Frostbrewer operates the Pavilion.   It is a very busy place often packed with a variety of vendors, even after festival days, as was the case the day after the Heroes Banquet for the Lost Vessel Seekers in 5A 352.   The placement of stands and stalls in the Pavilion seems to be offered on a first come, first served basis, as was implied by Hummul Frostbrewer who said "if we get there early we can get a good spot."   Above the Pavilion is the central column shaft that runs to the top level of the city where the Flower of the King illuminates the various levels of Endor.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
During their journey, the Zenethian Heroes visited the Pavilion and purchased goods there around 4A 996.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 25 Felim 5A 352, the Lost Vessel Seekers visited the Pavilion after accepting their quest to seek out the Harolaud. Durak Hamarhart purchased a shield from a vendor and was unable to return it, as the cart had a "No Refunds" sign posted.   On 9 Madaet 5A 352, Arwin helped Hummul Frostbrewer set up his tradecart in the Pavilion, before Arwin would head to leave the city.
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Iron Range   Continent
West of Gimora Mountains   Plane
Material Plane