Barovia Barovia / Evie Timeline Timeline
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Barovia / Evie Timeline

Before Common Era

5000 1

Common Era

0 935

  • 0 CE

    Founding of the Holy Empire of Valentia
    Era beginning/end
  • 206 CE

    Birth of Strahd
    Life, Birth

    More reading
    Count Strahd
  • 210 CE

    King Barov Conquers the Dusk Elves
    Military action

    More reading
    King Barov
  • 212 CE

    King Dostron the Hellborn, Rules the Valley
    Political event

    Before the valley was conquered and renamed to Barovia, King Dostron ruled the lands with an army of Barbarians and savages

    More reading
    King Dostron, the Hellborn
  • 227 CE

    Vladimir Horngaard Joins the Order of the Silver Dragon
    Life, Organisation Association

    More reading
    Vladimir Horngaard
  • 246 CE
    Death of King Barov
    Life, Death

    More reading
    King Barov
  • 246 CE
    Strahd goes to War
    Military action

    After the death of his father, Strahd began a series of long and bloody wars against his family's enemies.

  • 247 CE
    The Order of the Silver Dragon ally with King Dostron
    Diplomatic action

    As Strahd moves his forces into the valley, Argynvost requested reinforcements from the Holy Empire of Valentia. Due to the distance these Knight would have to travel, Argynvost and King Dostron the Hellborn allied together to combat Strahd.

  • 247 CE
    Horngaard promoted to Field Commander
    Life, Career

    Showing adept skills as a tactician, Vladimir was promoted to a field commander to combat Strahd's advances.

  • 247 CE
    Strahd injured in battle
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Injured during a battle with the Order of the Silver Dragon, a group of Vistani found Strahd amongst the dead and treated his injuries. As a reward for their generosity, Strahd declared that all Vistani had the right to come and go from his land as they pleased.

    More reading
  • 248 CE
    King Dostron dies in battle
    Military action

    Instead of keeping his forces behind the walls of his Castle, the arrogant King led an attack against Strahd's armies. However, due to Strahd's superior tactics, he was able to defeat King Dostron's barbarian army with ease, suffering only minor casualties to his army.

  • 248 CE
    The Holy Empire of Valentia Surrenders
    Diplomatic action

    No longer willing to send men to their death the Holy Empire of Valentia deliver an official surrender to Strahd and orders the Knights in the Valley to return home. Argynvost refuses the command and the Order of the Silver Dragon remained in the valley to combat Strahd.

  • 249 CE
    Siege on Argynvostholt
    Military action

    Strahd's armies lay siege on Argynvostholt, putting the Order of the Silver Dragon on the defense.

  • 249 CE
    The Order of the Silver Dragon is defeated
    Military action

    The Knights in the Order of the Silver Dragon attempted an all-out assault on Strahd's armies including Argynovst. The battle was long and bloody but by the end, the Dragon Argynovst and all of his Knights lay dead.

  • 249 CE
    Strahd settles in the Valley renaming it Barovia
    Life, Relocation

  • 249 CE
    The Order of the Silver Dragon rise again
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Unwilling to accept his failure, Vladimir returned from the dead as a revenant. His hatred for Strahd filled the spirits of the other Knights who returned from the dead as well.

  • 250 CE

    Strahd becomes the land
    Life, Supernatural

    Strahd performs a ritual with Baba Lysaga and gains power over nature.

  • 251 CE

    Vallaki Founded

  • 251 CE
    Strahd discovers Amber Temple
    Discovery, Exploration

    A Dusk Elf Patrina attempts to court Strahd and informs him of a secret temple full of Arcane Knowledge.

    Amber Temple
    More reading
    Patrina Velikov
  • 252 CE
    Castle Ravenloft Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    Strahd's new castle was built atop the poorly built castle of King Dostron.

    Castle Ravenloft
  • 252 CE
    Death of Queen Ravenovia
    Life, Death

    Strahd's mother, Queen Ravenovia passes away during her travels to Barovia

    More reading
    Queen Ravenovia
  • 252 CE
    Sergei Settles in Barovia
    Life, Relocation

    More reading
  • 253 CE
    Strahd and Sergie meet Tatyana
    Life, Relationship change

    Both Strahd and Sergie meet a woman named Tatyana, and both fall in love with her

    More reading
  • 253 CE
    Tatyana Falls for Sergie
    Life, Relationship change

    More reading
  • 254 CE
    Sergei and Tatyana's Wedding Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    The night when everything changed. Strahd became the Dark Lord of Barovia and the Valley was sealed away in its own dimensional plane of existence.

  • 254 CE
    Leo Dilisnya turned into a vampire
    Life, Death

    Strahd tracked down the traitor that led the failed assassination against him and turned him into a vampire spawn. Leo was then imprisoned for an unknown length of time until he starved to death.

    More reading
    Leo Dilisnya
  • 254 CE
    Assault on the home of Andral
    Civil action

    Several of the traitorous guards from Castle Ravenloft took refuge in the Vallaki home of Andral. Strahd attempted to charm Andral several times to be allowed entry but Andral resisted it every time

    More reading
    Saint Andral
  • 254 CE
    Assault on the Kresk’s Abbey
    Military action

    As Markovia rallied her followers and prepared to march on Castle Ravenloft, Strahd sent a group of vampire spawn to her abbey. They confronted Markovia but were all destroyed.

    More reading
    Saint Markovia
  • 254 CE
    Markovia Confronts Strahd
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Suffused with confidence born of righteous victory, Markovia advanced on Castle Ravenloft. A great battle raged from the catacombs to the parapets. In the end, Markovia never returned. The fates granted Sainthood to Markovia and hallowed the ground at the Abby which was renamed to the Abbey Of Saint Markovia

  • 255 CE

    Strahd lays siege to the Abbey of Saint Markovia
    Military action

    After Saint Markovia and her followers failed to overthrow Strahd, the abbey became a fortress closed off from the rest of the world. Strahd ruthlessly preyed on the fears of the clerics and nuns holed up inside.

  • 255 CE
    Patrina attempts to court Strahd again
    Life, Relationship change

    Patrina Velikovna returned to castle Ravenloft to gain Strahd's love. This time, it was clear that Patrina craved Strahd's power and that Strahd would never love her.

    More reading
    Patrina Velikov
  • 255 CE
    Dusk Elves kill Patrina
    Life, Death

    Patrina's own people stoned her to death to keep Strahd from claiming her as his wife.

    More reading
    Dusk Elf
  • 255 CE
    Rahadin Punishes the Dusk Elves
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Angry that the dusk elves had killed Patrina, Strahd sent Rahadin to punish the dusk elves. Rahadin slew the female elves so that the males couldn't breed. He also sliced off the ears of Patrina's brother, who had orchestrated the stoning.

  • 258 CE

    Death of Saint Markovia's clergy
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    By the time their supplies ran out, the clergy in the abbey had either been killed by each other's hands or driven hopelessly insane by Strahd's acts of terror against them. The violent and desperate action unhallowed the ground allowing Strahd to enter the Abby and kill the remaining insane clergy members.

  • 295 CE

    Andral becomes a Saint
    Religious event

    After the last guard passed away from natural causes, the fates blessed Andral as a saint for his selfless actions.

  • 400 CE

    Death of Marina and Destruction of Berez
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 707 CE

    Abbey of Saint Markovia Reopened
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Abbot arrived in Kresk and demanded the abbey be reopened and the villagers couldn't help but do as he commanded. The abbot reopened the abbey and began tending to the physically and mentally ill.

  • April of 913 CE
    Burning of the Stazni home
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The citizens of Vallaki discovered that the children of the Strazni family displayed fiendish traits. Fearing this had a connection to the Devil Strahd, a few citizens burned down their home hoping to "save the town." Izek Strazni was the only one who escaped from the burning house. Baron Vargas adopted Izek and had the arsonists hung by their necks in the town square. There were no bodies recovered from the ashes of the burnt house.

  • At some point during 925 CE
    Theft of the first Gem
    Criminal Activity

    The Martikov family informed you that someone stole one of the three magical gems from the Wizard of the Wine's. Its whereabouts are unknown.

  • 929 CE

    Ezmerelda meets Van Richten
    Gathering / Conference

    Ezmerelda tracks down and joins Van Richten. He begins to train her with everything he knows.

  • April of 933 CE
    Victor Vallakovich and Stella Wachter Engaged
    Life, Relationship change

  • May of 933 CE
    Victor Vallakovich drives Stella Wachter Insane
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

  • July, 934 CE
    Mad Mage is defeated by Strahd
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The Mad Mage led a revolution against Count Strahd but ultimately failed and went into hiding.

  • September 25th, 935 CE
    Theft of the second gem
    Criminal Activity

    A thief came in the night and stole the 2nd gem from the Winery without any witnesses. Upon discovery of the theft, the Martikov family tracked the thief to the swaps. The Martikovs did not enter due to the dangers in the swap.

  • September 30th, 935 CE
    Ireena meets Strahd
    Life, Publicity

    Ireena first meets Strahd while she visited the market.

    More reading
  • October 1st, 935 CE
    Strahd bites Ireena for the first time
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

  • October 2nd, 935 CE
    Ezmerelda arrives in Barovia

    While in the company of a Vistani caravan, Ezmerelda heard a rumor that Rudolph van Richten had gone to Barovia to slay the most powerful vampire of them all. She decided that he might need help and traveled for months to reach Strahd's domain.

    More reading
    Ezmerelda d'Avenir
  • October 3rd, 935 CE
    Ireena is bitten a second time
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

  • October 4th, 935 CE
    Siege of the Indirovich Mansion
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Vowing that Strahd would not claim Ireena, the Indirovichs barricaded their home from within. Every night since, Strahd has sent dozens of undead and wolfs to attack the building.

  • October 10th, 935 CE
    Forest Folk attack the Wizard of the Wines
    Military action
  • October 11th, 935 CE
    Death of Ismark & Ireena's father
    Life, Death

  • October 13th, 935 CE
    Evie's arrival in Barovia / Surviving the Durst house
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

  • October 14th, 935 CE
    Evie and Todd meet Ismark and Ireena
    Discovery, Exploration

  • October 15th, 935 CE
    The Forest Folk overwhelm the Martikovs
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The Forest Folk got passed the Martikov's defences and forced the family to flee from their home.

  • October 15th, 935 CE
    Attack on the Hags of the Windmill
    Military action

    The Windmill
  • October 16th, 935 CE
    Evie rescues Arabelle
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Believing that making an offering to the lake would bring him luck, Bluto, the drunk attempted to drown Arabelle while she was tied in a sack. Evie dove in after her and brought the Vistana girl to shore.

  • October 17th, 935 CE
    Festival of the Blazing Sun
    Cultural event

    One of the weekly festivals in the town of Vallaki

  • October 17th, 935 CE
    Ezmerelda's failed infiltration on Castle Ravenloft
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    After fleeing Castle Ravenloft, a hoard of undead follow Ezmerelda to the Wizard's Tower where she took refuge. She remained in the tower using Corpseblight and the tower's magical defenses to kill the undead besieging her shelter.

    Wizard's Tower
  • October 17th, 935 CE
    Strahd's Ambush
    Military action

    A few hours after leaving Vallaki you were confronted by Count Strahd. He accused you of not taking the dangers of Barovia seriously and had his minions attack you until you were bloodied.

  • October 18th, 935 CE
    Occupation of the Winery broken
    Military action

    You infiltrated the Winery and attacked the Forest Folk who have been occupying the building. After locating and killing the leader, you destroyed the magical staff which resulted in the death of all the plant monsters surrounding the winery.

  • October 19th, 935 CE
    The assault on Yester Hill
    Military action

    The creation and death of Wintersplinter

    Yester Hill
    More reading
    Battle of Yester Hill
  • October 19th, 935 CE
    Werewolf attack in Krezk
    Disaster / Destruction

    Village of Krezk
  • October 20th, 935 CE
    Symbol of Ravenkind recovered
    Discovery, Exploration
  • October 20th, 935 CE
    Ezmerelda allies with Evie
    Life, Organisation Association
  • October 20th, 935 CE
    Assault on the Werewolf Den
    Military action

    Werewolf Den
  • October 21st, 935 CE
    Mad Mage Encounter
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    More reading
    Mad Mage
  • October 22nd, 935 CE
    Orphanage Demon Defeated
    Life, Supernatural
  • October 22nd, 935 CE
    Feast of St. Andral
    Disaster / Destruction

  • October 22nd, 935 CE
    Tome of Strahd Recovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    More reading
    Tome of Strahd
  • October 23rd, 935 CE
    Death of Baba Lysaga
    Life, Death
  • October 23rd, 935 CE
    Strahd kidnaps Ireena
    Life, Trauma/ Loss