The Continent

Hallowmyr (HAL-oh-meer)

Once a city full of hopes and dreams turned to ruin due to the catastrophe that was wrought by The Hollowing, The ruins of this human city lie on an island just south of Dymchurch and Peaksmouth where it strived to become a haven for the great houses of Rainegate.
A city that had a tiered structure with the upper district resembling a normal city split into parts by canals traversed by stone bridges, the lower half was under the city itself and was home to the less fortunates that quickly grew to a hive of crime syndicates.   Beyond the wall was the enormous skeletal remains of what was believed to be a behemoth of the age of ancients. Now a hostile habitat made home by the most aggressive wildlife on the Hallowmyr Isle. It stands taller than the tallest building of the city and can be seen from the coast of Peaksmouth, Rising high above the clouds.

Pre Catastrophe


Myr II

After the tragic death of King Myr II in 157 AU, A statue was erected in his name on the island south of Peaksmouth where below lay his tomb. Shortly after the construction of said statue a city settlement would begin construction known as "Hallowmyr" a monument to the tragedy that befell a great king, Hallowed ground as it was called as it held the many hopes and dreams of a blossoming kingdom. Within months the city would be filled to the brim with travellers and pilgrims from far and wide striving to see the tale of the city slated to don the banners of Rainegate's great houses. During the official opening of the city the silver district of Rainegate was flush with commotion as many from the great houses including the oldest House Bladecrest as well as it's subsidiaries House Daggerwood, House Edgeborn, House Saberson.  


With the promise of the greatest city under construction on the wind, many would flock to Hallowmyr's shores hoping to settle their for a more permanent and peaceful life - King Verigan Bladecrest I deigning the overseer's post and saw to the construction himself, Providing ideas to better settle as many of the populace as possible into such a relatively small landmass. Though the nobles and great house members were given a wide territory for which they could establish their homes, The common folk weren't at all left out as a massive underground network was constructed with housing in mind - Houses built underneath house, never before seen and even amongst todays human cities remains a unique architectural feat.   Farmers and Artisans of all kinds from across Avellonis were freely given homes in exchange that they provide the city with commerce and livelihood, Steadily supplementing the growth of the city at it's infant stage. Farmers were given simple yet livable housing on the outskirts of the city which came as a surprise to those who were used to building and maintaining their own property.    

Post Catastrophe


Lying in ruins as a somber reminder of the cruel ways in which humanity is so easily delved into madness, with it's name "Hallowmyr" once spoken with pride now carries the weight of forgotten hopes and dreams. Before the cataclysm, Hallowmyr stood as a testament to the expansion of the human realms and it's determination - It's strategic location made it a hub of maritime activity poised to rival it's sister city in prosperity and influence. The city's architecture spoke of it's grandeur with it's towering spires, majestic bridges and labyrinthine roads weaving through districts alive with the pulse of commerce and culture. Hallowmyrdocks were a gateway to the rest of the world welcoming ships from the distant shores and fostering trade that enriched the city's coffers and fueled it's dreams of greatness.  

The Hollowing

When the catastrophical event descended upon Hallowmyr and unleashed chaos upon an unprecedented scale, The once vibrant roads became avenues of despair - Strewn with rubble and remnants of lives shattered by tragedy. The proud buildings crumbled like sandcastles before a relentless tide. In an effort to keep the spread of madness at bay, The Crown had decreed that the whole of Hallowmyr's isle must be destroyed in a great crusade - Slaugthering every man and woman that inhabited the isle wether or not they exhibited signs of the hollowing. Now Hallowmyr stands as a ghostly shell of it's former self, it's ruins hauntingly beautiful with it's roads being reclaimed by the earth, trees forming canopies over the shadows of the former occupants - Cracked stones and trees take root amidst fallen edifices mingling with the whispers of those who perished, Their stories forever etched into the ruins of this forsaken city.

20th Stonefury 476 AD

Founding Date
157 AU
Alternative Name(s)
The Forsaken City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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