The Adventures of the Big HELP, Session 15 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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The Adventures of the Big HELP, Session 15

General Summary

  • Surrounded by vine blights, The Big HELP and Amroth launched straight into battle. Larka had difficulty hiding due to the blights' blindsight. Hest, initially wary of her magic, let loose several Chromatic Orbs before being swallowed by a Shambling Mound. Bigwig enjoyed this immensely and went to help her, but Hest was able to break free on her own. After Hest broke free, Bigwig swung from the Mound's vine, severing its other vines and killing the creature.
  • After the battle, motes of light shook free from the corrupted vine blights and encircled Petrichor and her staff. The motes filled the staff with light and it began to bloom, giving Petrichor the ability to cast Barkskin with it.
  • The HELP tried to chase after Windtooth but couldn't keep up. They tracked him long enough to realize he was heading to Valadris but then made camp. Amroth checked in with both Hest and Larka given the ordeals they face throughout the day. He played a song to help everyone relax for the night.
  • Bigwig took some time to meditate on her abilities and the Cult of Arazid. She saw a vision of the Fireblood in a tower surrounded by snow. She had just placed her golden mask on and left to issue orders to her cultists. Bigwig was able to spy and memorize the runic lock on the Fireblood's room. As the vision ended, a voice like the crackle of flame called out to Bigwig. It called her Strong Child once more and offered the Fireblood's strength when they would all meet at the Falls of Rodel.
  • The party decided to open the Enchanted Glasses they had been given rather than find the merchants they were meant for. Bigwig convinced everyone they probably died. Given that the glasses were meant for a sorceror, Hest put them on. They glasses immediately phased away and Hest found her ability to concentrate doubled.
  • The next few days passed uneventfully until Petrichor and Bigwig led the HELP to the Vala Pass. There they found Windtooth, feral and out of control. Energy was sparking out from him. Larka hid while Petrichor surprised Windtooth with a Moonbeam spell. While the spell struck Windtooth, the HELP realized that something strange was going on with him. He seemed to mitigate magic. Windtooth charged the party and they fought in the pass. When close to Windtooth, Petrichor, Bigwig, Hest, and Amroth found they couldn't cast spells, Petrichor was trapped in whatever Wild Shape form she was in, and Larka was cut off from her psionic abilities.
  • Despite the struggle, the Big HELP were able to weaken Windtooth. Energy threatened to tear Windtooth's body apart and wreak unknown havoc on the HELP. At the last moment, intelligence sparked within Windtooth once more and he channeled the energy upwards, striking the mountaintop.
  • The HELP debated what to do with Windtooth, whether to cast Speak with Dead and talk to him or just hand him right over to Eris's patron. Hest looked up into the fading sunlight and realized a cloud was hurtling down from the mountaintop. The rumbling of a rockfall approached. Petrichor Wild Shaped into a camel and carried Windtooth's body for Eris. The rest of the party moved quickly but Petrichor fell twice. Bigwig looked back and realized she couldn't both help Petrichor and carry Windtooth's body. She decided to help Petrichor and cut off Windtooth's head before escaping the rock fall.
  • The HELP escaped Vala Pass just before it was sealed up. Several Valadris guards rushed up to them to make sure they were okay. They asked why the guards on the other side didn't warn them about rock falls earlier that day. Larka suggested that Windtooth had already killed them. One guard was freaked out by Bigwig carrying Windtooth's head. The other was worried that this happened while a dignitary from Gadorr and the Fey Queen of Nirania were visiting. He offered to guide the HELP to Valadris but they turned him down.
  • Hest cast Speak with Dead so Petrichor and Bigwig could ask Windtooth five questions. The magic sparked around the head and magic surged through it, as if it would burn it out. Petrichor and Bigwig learned that Windtooth had caused the sabotage but that it didn't go as planned. After being caught in the blast, Windtooth had been robbed of his senses and turned feral. His last request was that the party keep his friends safe and to help him rest at last. The surge of magic at their final question superheated Windtooth's head, vaporising it.
  • Petrichor and Bigwig guided the rest of The Big HELP to their former Nightwalkers ally Verga Stonehammer's shop. She greeted them with surprise when they walked in.
  • Hest and Larka both spotted a suspiscious shop across the street. They recognized the familiar signage of Whitepaw's, the book store they visited in Ghispar. As she was closing the curtain, Demensaix flashed them a devilish grin, beckoning them to visit soon.
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Report Date
10 Mar 2024


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